Vasa - 1:65 DeAgostini [COMPLETED BUILD]

As I started reading your concluding post this evening I felt a tinge of sadness knowing something really special had come to an end. A strange emotion given the beauty of your Vasa and your incredible accomplishments, which I have admired since the start. It has been a fun ride following your posts and seeing a box of wood turn into something of astounding beauty in your hands. Congratulations to you Paul, you well deserve all the accolades that will surely follow your announcement.
Good morning Paul. Your Vasa is an exquisite model, beautifully crafted, thoroughly researched and deserves all the accolades given and yet to receive.

That said, it is not the completion of the Vasa which leaves me saddened. Strange I know because this should be a congratulatory post and celebration. Your impact on myself and many others as a person has been tremendous. Virtual friend no doubt. Stuff the “virtual “ my friend! I’m going to miss this Vasa log.

Ok enough- congratulations Paul !!!!! Brilliant Vasa and thanks for sharing this wonderful journey with all of us.ExplosionExplosionBottleBottleBeerThumbs-UpThumbs-Up.
Cheers Grant
Congratulations Paul on your excellent VASA and I can only agree with the previous speakers. I came late to your impressive build and had a hard time reading through everything. It has been a long road that you have travelled together with your VASA but it has been worth it, as one can see without a doubt. You can be rightly proud of yourself and your achievement and I am already looking forward to your next project, maybe Le Rochefort, who knows.
Best regards Tobias.
Congratulations Paul in the completion of a model which is amongst one of the nicest builds of this vessel.

Your can do attitude has to be applauded, if you didn't know how to , you found out how to.

I echo others, the completion of you project is a little sad. Sad in the fact that I feel many of us have experienced your journey as well.

I look forward to following your journey on your future work.

Kind Regards

First I congratulate you with this wonderful build. Unbelievable it was your first build. I wasn't there from the beginning but came onboard when you was over the half of the build. I was soon impressed of the details and craftsmanship you displayed. Hope to see soon al the professional pictures you promise. Looking forward to your next big build.
Hello Paul, and a big congratulations on building one of the finest ship models I have ever seen. Like so many others I too feel a bit of melancholy at its completion and at the same time WOW, what an amazing privilege to have been on this wonderful Vasa journey with you. I'm looking forward to more journeys into the world of model making with you, my friend.
Congratulations Paul, exciting build log to follow, it turned out to be a very nice ship in the end, looking forward to the pictures coming later, regards Knut-
Paul, buddy (hopefully), congratulations on completing this truly remarkable project. It was a pleasure to watch your work. I hope you don't give up on this hobby and we can still see your wonderful work. It's nice to see a modeler grow professionally while building a model. Trust me, not many people can do that. Some even do not listen to reasoned criticism. During the construction of your model, you always listened to the statements of your modeling colleagues and made the right conclusions. Once again, congratulations on completing this beautiful model. I hope that we will see you again in the vastness of this forum
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I find the end has filled me with mixed emotions. As a guy who has spent much of his life motivated by accomplishment (and hating that about myself) - I find that being on this journey has been much more gratifying than belaying the last line and sliding the ship into her case. I can truly say that the building process has meant more to me than the building product.
Sounds like you need to channel your inner Spock:

“After a time, you may find that ‘having’ is not so pleasing a thing after all as ‘wanting.’ It is not logical, but it is often true.”​

Fantastic Build, Paul.! I'm still not sure I'm willing to accept that this is your first build--you've been toying with us. ;)
Hi Paul,

Following you from the beginning, and even meeting you in person somewhere down the road, I have seen you developing from a guy wanting to build a kit to a guy building a ship, and what a ship.
If you even facinated Fred Hocker you probably did something right with this build :) .

But now the bad news. You finished this one and you have to start from scratch again with a new one, because this hobby is addictive. Whatever your choice will be I will follow you and herewith reserve a front row seat.
I will start off by appreciating that this post was short, unlike most of your previous posts. :p But kidding aside, I had great excitement seeing your skills grow by building your first-ever model VASA which become a winner by most (if not all) SOS members' decision. This can be further proved by the number of members (131) who followed your extremely enjoyable journey.
Personally, I love your dedication and meticulous research prior execution of any tasks while building the model. While you build the model, you have acquired another two professional skills, and should you become bored with the orthodontic job, you can bake and do alternation in your spare time. Isn't it great! :p

With all my open heart, I want to congratulate you on this Awesome accomplishment and beautiful VASA! You are well deserved to be proud of yourself as well as your great accomplishment! Congrats, mon ami!!!
Thank you, Jim. In the beginning I didn't have a clue what glue to use - and in the end there is a ship. Thanks for the help you provided along the way!
I was dreading this moment to be honest. Opening the forum and following the VASA build was one of the mainstays of my daily existence. Somehow, without that, the forum will not just be the same. It does not matter what you build in future and how beautiful the results (as they no doubt will be), to me you are forever linked to the VASA. For once, there was a model ship being built, not for the sake of building a model (even though it may have started off that way), but as an extension of who and what you are - a person who appreciates the finest things in life and as such expects nothing less from himself. That is what your VASA is - surely one of the finest models ever built from a kit. Congratulations Paul - following this build has been an honor and getting you know you (virtually) likewise.

I cannot wait to see you tackle the Lauckstreet Kingfisher - one of the finest "kits" in existence (in my opinion). However, to me it will not be Paul Kattner building the Kingfisher - it will be VASA Paul doing the build!
Thank you kindly Heinrich. It is true that I poured myself into the model. On the forum my Vasa colleagues also built (are building) fantastic renditions - but each is different. I like that because it is the expression of the builder coming through. Yes, the Kingfisher is the next big build. As I am researching that, I will keep my fingers nimble working on the esping...

Thanks for everything!
Paul, it is a testament to your sense of humor and self-effacing nature that you have brought so many of us in, initially, for the ride. Your talent and willingness to work and re-work, search and re-search, share and re-share is what kept us here. Me, certainly. This model is incredible. That was never in doubt. What you do next, I am sure, will be equally fascinating. All the best, Paul. As others have said, I feel I have some sense for who you really are, at the end of this amazing project. Congratulations, my friend!
Marc, you have inspired me for a long time - long before you hopped on this build report. Your kind words along the way have buoyed me when it seemed I was sinking into the modeling abyss. You are generous with your comments to a fault - and those words saved me. With affection and respect - thanks.
Sounds like you need to channel your inner Spock:

“After a time, you may find that ‘having’ is not so pleasing a thing after all as ‘wanting.’ It is not logical, but it is often true.”​

Fantastic Build, Paul.! I'm still not sure I'm willing to accept that this is your first build--you've been toying with us. ;)
Ha! My inner Spock! Now that my first build is under the bridge the novelty will have worn off for all of you and I can just be a normal builder like everyone else. I love that!
Hi Paul,

Following you from the beginning, and even meeting you in person somewhere down the road, I have seen you developing from a guy wanting to build a kit to a guy building a ship, and what a ship.
If you even facinated Fred Hocker you probably did something right with this build :) .

But now the bad news. You finished this one and you have to start from scratch again with a new one, because this hobby is addictive. Whatever your choice will be I will follow you and herewith reserve a front row seat.
Ah were one of the first (along with Nigel and Jim and several others) to peek over my shoulder and see a trainwreck in progress. You were kind to reach out and patiently teach me both publicly on the forum and offline. If my hull has any merit to it - it is because you cared and helped. You kindness extended to Lynn and me in Amsterdam was the highlight of our 2022 (no kidding!). Yes, there are more builds in me - and I am eager to have your help along the way... You're the best Maarten!