Artisania Latina - New Kit - Santisima Trinidad

I will be adding this to my stash in due course as I love this vessel in Trafalgar colours. For me there is loads of potential to make something really special without a complete rework of the hull skeleton like I have had to do with their Soleil Royal which I was fully aware of when I bought that kit. The fundamentals are on the money having once had the historical documents for this vessel on an old lap top.The rigging materials will be off in the bin but I would point out Caldercraft blocks ain’t that great either.
Yes the planking isn’t walnut, for me a big plus as I have an allergy to it. Worth the money? Maybe,maybe not but most things are overpriced in the current financial climate.
I will be adding this to my stash in due course as I love this vessel in Trafalgar colours. For me there is loads of potential to make something really special without a complete rework of the hull skeleton like I have had to do with their Soleil Royal which I was fully aware of when I bought that kit. The fundamentals are on the money having once had the historical documents for this vessel on an old lap top.The rigging materials will be off in the bin but I would point out Caldercraft blocks ain’t that great either.
Yes the planking isn’t walnut, for me a big plus as I have an allergy to it. Worth the money? Maybe,maybe not but most things are overpriced in the current financial climate.
A big ship @ 1:84 compared to OcCre's @ 1:90, but nearly double in price, which I'm trying to sell my kit as I bit off more than I can chew by buying it. Too small a scale now for me, also lack of room!
A big ship @ 1:84 compared to OcCre's @ 1:90, but nearly double in price, which I'm trying to sell my kit as I bit off more than I can chew by buying it. Too small a scale now for me, also lack of room!
Lack of room is a curse on us all. I have run out of wall space in my workroom so now I have to negociate with my wife and son for room on other walls in the basement.
Love the look of it but not sure if it's worth that much.
Look worth it to me. The figurehead and other carvings could stand some more detail, perhaps done using a Dremel, and the typical scratch build details added like replacing the blocks with properly shaped ones, hand made sails instead of the sewn kit sails. The acrylic paint they used on the hull made the wood grain look like plastic, but that's easily remedied if you use either stained wood or an air brush. The hull looks really well, not like the pregnant cow they turned the Soleil Royal into. This kit is an excellent basis for a detailed model.
I'm building my first of hopefully many ships and I have no idea where it will go
Auction block maybe ? ROTF I had to sell two suits of medieval armor to make room for my first ship. The Roman armor or the WWII German soldier mannequin could go next, because I won't sell La Couronne to make room! Who knows where the future ship models can go. I've a mind to sell the AL San Francisco II kit unbuilt since it was replaced by the OcCre Revenge kit. I think all of us could use more room for our ships.
I'm building my first of hopefully many ships and I have no idea where it will go
I installed some shelves for the models. The problem is that they are so darn big that it doesn't take long to fill up a wall.
only to help finding this and some other new videos

and also they started a series of tutorials

It looks like a superior kit to the Occre one
I installed some shelves for the models. The problem is that they are so darn big that it doesn't take long to fill up a wall.

It looks like a superior kit to the Occre one
YES - I have also the same feeling - only the blocks for the gun tackles are "slightly" too big - Zoly will be happy to see this
YES - I have also the same feeling - only the blocks for the gun tackles are "slightly" too big - Zoly will be happy to see this

Having downloaded the instructions, the kit is incomparable to Occre's. A far more complex and dare I say stronger skeleton and far greater more accurate detail. Replace the blocks, rope,gratings and sails, you will have an extremely good model even if you don't change anything else.The hull is single planked but filler blocks below the waterline will solve this for those with concerns
With current exchange rate this is $1242 AUD and shipping is free.
This looks like a very nice kit and reasonably priced, IMHO.
I hope someone on SOS gets this kit and starts a build log.
AL is a very good company.
Plus import duties , around another $120
I wouldn't mind building it one day
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