Difficult Proxxon tools choice

After all this, I desided that it will be convenient to have a micro milling stand on the desk to use it with a IBS/A rotary tool, so let me show you the reworked MB140 which I've done. It's almost ready - needs 2 additional bolts and some paintwork...

I finally received all my pieces to adapt my DB250 with 4 jaws chuck with M14x1 threads and adaptor. I am still waiting for the Proxxon mini mill.

First pic :
On the top motor casing : 3d printed plate adaptor with M14x1 thread to be put on the MICRO Compound Table KT 70. Thread fit perfectly.

Second pic
4 jaws chuck with the adaptor installed


Thrid pic : View of the adaptor. Unfortunatlry, the bags identification were not clear, so I do not know if this is the LH or RH version that fit.


I will begin the yards of my Belem soon.
