Cut and paste - free downloadable e-book showing my production over the last 5 years

Hello Ab
Many thanks to you and Emiel for making and sharing.
Your son is gifted like his father producing "paintings" like the old masters.
I was only able to give it a glance for now but will study it this evening.
Very nice to combine the models together with the production and completed images.
Much appreciated.
Wow Ab, love these pieces of art that you and Emiel make. To me this is art and as you know they are fantastic to print an acrylic glass and look fantastic. I enjoy them every day.
the work you and your son have done in making the book is amazing and a credit to you both, and a joy for others to see.
Thank you for sharing your great work! The paintings look like someone was sailing along with a really fine camera. Both paintings and the model work show the artistry of both you and your son.
Thank you for your beautiful work. I love the old atmospheric land and seascapes of the Dutch masters of the Golden Age. You have done them proud. Do by all means publish this for a wider audience.


Again, thank you.

Everyone should download and share this remarkable work.