Building The New HMS Endeavour By Artesania Latina Video Log

Wow, it is like a spaceship! I assume the parts are printed on a 3D printer? As for the rope itself, it does look promising, I believe it has to be a bit tighter, but that's my subjective opinion. ;)
Yes sir, aside from hardware, it's all 3d printed. And I agree, it needs to be tighter. I have had to play with gearing in order to find a good twist speed and take up speed. The "twister" is moving so slow at the moment that the take up won't slow down enough to let it tighten up properly. So still tweaking left to do. And even if it doesn't work, I have learned some new 3d modeling skills, and that's always fun. Here is the model.

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Good afternoon.
Although this is not my first ship build, I hope for it to be the best one yet. I have attempted to build several kits but I have only completed one so far. I would usually quit once I got to the sails.

There won't be much in the way of pictures here unless they are requested of specific area, (This has proven to be a lie, I'm enjoying posting pictures ROTF) but I intend to log each step in the manual by section in video form. I just finished my first build log video and hope some of you might go take a peek at it, and maybe offer some suggestions as to what you would like to see in a build video.

As I move forward there are some things that I would like to vary from the kit. Use of aftermarket rope, fittings ( I may actually design and 3d print new blocks and dead eyes) and planking the model the "correct" way.

As I build the ship, I hope to learn the ways of the force....oops wrong thread....I mean proper ship building techniques and will be using this thread to ask questions.

In the first section we are only building up the frame work as covered in pages 11-21 in the manual. Pretty basic, straight forward and a typical frame build with no surprises.

Below is a link to my first video.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.


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Hallo @jamiebradley426
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY