ZOBOL' a might have been 1890 torpedo ship

Sep 17, 2018

Dear Friends,

here the best music to listen to during reading:
Parsifal Overteure

As I had to go to hospital I couldn't take anything of my modelling stuff with me - so I had to work on what was available in the ergotherapyst's studio: Paper, rulers, pens, clear tape, rubber and I thought of something positive in all this mess: a might have been torpedoboat of Russian origin to fortify the eastern Baltic Sea called BEAR class. The class would had been wearing all the splendid new inventions available in mids 1890th so as double torpedo tubes and a devastating big torpedos together with an absolutely overwhelming caliber revolver canons to defend against any CLs or torpedoboats that may be able to attack her. She was build towards a II. Crimean War avoiding any idea of an successfull attack or siege in the North and should be copied for the Black Sea and Pacific/Vladiwostock fleet.

The BEARclass would have three or five funnels, four or five masts, four sets of torpedotube pairs and a got more and more illustriouses features like quick loading torpedo cranes and turreted revolver canons en echelon. Also a nice wheelhouse with a chartroom, a second wheelhouse - also above a conning tower (aft) - ,and not too forget a compass platform. So she would be in the pick of the development to panic any French or British Battleship's admiral.

All these BEARclass ideas piled onto each other and by this does very fast look much too large to me scaled in 1/64 much over two meters (~2.7 yards) long - so I decided to build a project's forerunner in the very same scale.

In hospital I had this smaller project in front of me - trying to test out what is left of my brain's capacity recently. So I decided to build a smaller testing platform for the BEARclass: The frontcover of SOBOL'
is an absolutely failled geometrical trial there are errors in so many details - but I could deal with it in hours without of any imagination.

As my plan was to build an original Russian design to try out the choosen weaponary and design's features in a smaller hull the "sable" class as a kind of the country's very own small "bear" spoken SOBOL'...
...an agile small aggressive animal (as the torpedo ship) used to be planed:
Pic: Brehms Tierleben


The attraction of this new class of ships to enemies' spys was obviouse - so the design bureau decided to go with a mimikry of the LIEUTENANT BUKAROW class torpedoboat a Chinese torpedoboat build by Schichau/Elbing in Germany:


Here the KomBrig 1/350 manual showing the tremendous size of the pair of funnels - all this identifying features would be integrated into the ZOBOL' project to hide the newly archived developments:

So I started with some of the LT. BUKAROW drawings to integrated them onto the much bigger ZOBOL' trying to get them alined to eachother:
LeytBurakov_061903 (1).gif
And I am annoying you by this newish project as my wife has occupied my temporary workbench by a sewing machine and materials so I decided to give you an early eye into this project of an absoloutly overpowered twin-deck torpedo boat so it is by definition called a "ship".

So I was able to draw the structure of the next deck too and to add a coak fired a steam drying apparatus (in dark green) :
Here lets go the way from stem towards the stern.

Starting by the s-shaped bow's lines drawn with my shaky hand and the first two coal bunkers:
Here the boiler room's appearance with the second tripplet to boilers feeding the second funnel. But an very old French feature from (in particular) the monographie of SAINT PHILLIPE 1693 so I added to the hull the "leckage repairing lane" between boiler rooms and hull's inside:
The boilerroom may get an armour cladded outside - so SOBOL' is becoming the first protected torpedo ship. Due to the sizes I do deal with the BEARclass may never see any 1/64 slipway by becoming ad minimum an 160ms/~180yds beast...

The hull's after geometry isn't the most common one the lines do iniciate a sucking of water towards the enormouse propellers (I copied from AVANT-GARDE class the way to arrange them) so the ship is pulled and pushed foreward:

The engines I decided to construct as a IV-cyl. compound to justify the enormouse engine room - and a kind and friendly nurse does photocopy them for me:
As in this hospital's department pairs of compasses aren't allowed I had had to stay with the radii of the cylinders.

I thought about the breadth of the lane between the boilers by the typical top-, side- ,and ergonomical drawing of Mr McScale:

Forcing me into a lot of alterations in the dimensions - also a track system is still in discussion... BEARclass should get a small railway due to the tremendous hunger of the boilers for coal... :D

All this was done during my stationary time in the hospital and I realised that I am suffering from


Very often I didn't got any ideas out of my mind - so I simply adopted the radiator in the very left
and transformed it into a three angeled appearing form to become a solid watertube boiler:
But this wasn't very satisfying to me but I was able to learn Russian vocabulary by the way. So this is what has to be cured in the next months and years. So therapy has clear goals and I still do hope to vanish a part of the chains my brain got by the strokes.

So further progress is going to come in here as my I do think as I had to realize "sewing is an ongoing creative process" as shipbuilding - fair enough?
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Here the scetch of the steam in and out routes designed for four funnels:

And the isometic drawing of the hull's inner decks with boilers but only one pair of funnels - I forgot to double the inner pipelines.
So it is to be constructed something between these pair of drawings.

Here a View over the deck's furniture and the other two sisterships:

scale_1200 (2).jpeg

A colleauge does build a beautyfull model in a
scale_1200 (1).jpeg
very nice wooden showcase:

So here you can see the overwater lines of the hull and the pair of incredible huge funnels:
download (5).jpeg

This is a typical Schichau torpedo boat shape with the biggest breadth behind the boat's middle former:
Schichau-type (1).jpg
So here is also a pair of conning towers and rails to transport torpedos to the launchers.
Does anybody know why do the torpedo transportation rails interfere with the two most bow pivoting rails?

Hope you do like it.
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Yesterday I was able to Work on a new bundle of a trio of DIN A3 sheets to work on the next deck "Torpedo deck" or "whale deck" (below the Grit/Gun deck). So I did work more precise - by using a pair of compasses - and any of my old drawings wouldn't fit to this new grit. So I do think I will have to restart everything from the very Genesis' beginning and do think of working on a roll of frostpaper for wrapping school snack breads food (don't now what is a Butterbrot in England called).
So let's look what it may look next week when my box with

Screenshot_2023-12-02-16-32-17-858-edit_com.ebay.mobile.jpgpairs of compasses will come into use for my 31,2mm (for our imperal Americans it is
1-15/64 inch) length of brackets between the construction formers...

Testing my measurement instruments was at first - and they do fit:

I did try again my 31,2mms gritt with a scratch typ of pair of compasses:
...so I do get very exact measured brackets:
That is the way to go:
And here we do see the error obviously - the lead pair of compasses opened His legs during his tour about the paper:

So we are again in track to restart the gritt - it is very hard to do in this precise way but the only route to come towards my target a lot slower as anticipated...