Working Block with Pulleys


Staff member
Forum Moderator
Aug 21, 2011

Madison, MS
One of these days, I am going to get out my lathe and make or try to make some blocks with brass pulleys inside. It will be tiny, but I think I can do it. Would anyone out there be interested in seeing this come to life? Would this extra detail make any difference to a ship? It would have to be made mostly for 1:78 to 1:90(ish) scales. It is possible to make the pulley turn, but I am not making any promises at this point. Brass is very soft is reason for using it. So, I guess obviously if the pulley does not turn, it would not be classified as a "working" pulley, but just a fancy model (representative) of one.

This discussion is of course open for opinions.

Hi Donnie
What size are you thinking of working on? Do you have an example photo or drawing?
Right now, it is just an idea. I have no pictures, drawings, but just an idea that I have. I would be duplicating a block on the order of 1:90 scale, but even that is not accurate as 1:90th of what?
Taking consideration of a Block size of 4mm long by 3mm wide (for a double block) and 4mm long and 2mm wide for a single block would be the measurements. The pulleys therefore would be in the order of 2mm in diameter and .5mm in width. I know, small and tiny. in inches that is about 3/16 long and 1/8 wide for a double block and then 1/16 wide for a single. the pulleys would be 1/32 in thickness. Then you have the functionality of it. I might talk myself out of this before I even get started - thinking that I would have to make a lot of them obviously.

All of this would be built on layers or all sandwiched together. Probably not worth the trouble, but could be an interesting project. I need some hardwood to do this.