What's on your Christmas List?

Feb 27, 2016

I see that Donnie's Christmas present has arrived early and that makes me wonder - what's on YOUR list to Santa?
For me, I really fancy this:-
I like the look of it, can put a lot of thought into the detailing and it should take me up to my birthday and another build I am in the process of researching and pondering. Plus it's a strategic build i.e. will fit exactly on our bookcase.
So, what's your fancy?
Hi Graham, interesting thread you've started, pity no one followed up.

My Christmas (wish) List? a nice lunch with my family, without my annoying brother-in-law and heaps of time to complete four models, well, one at least.

Doesn't seem like too much to ask for, Eric, but you've made a rod for your own back juggling four models! From being a kid I can only work on one at a time - apart from when we used to fly control line models then there was one in a flyable condition and one in repair. Usually deep repair and waiting for the Araldite to harden - before the days of CA glue. My model at the link above has arrived but been whisked away by She Who Must Be Obeyed, so I'd better crack on and finish the Snake build. Regards.