Toulonnaise - Billing Boats No 482

Aug 30, 2020

This model passed through several hands before recently being donated to me so here a few observations.

I think the scale is 1:50 but nothing is obvious on the box except it's made in Denmark.

It would be quite big once finished as the dimensions are approx 980mm from bowsprit to stern and 700mm high.

Box Kit.jpg

I suspect this particular kit is at least 25 years old as there is a Modeller's Shipyard magazine and flyers from the late 90's, this design may have been around for quite a while since.

A quick check in the box and it seems like all or at least most parts are there except accessories.
Billing Boats decided that if you wanted the canons, blocks, extra life boats, etc then you need to purchase another kit No. 483 so I don't have these.

This image is from the internet as an example.


There are no laser cut parts and the wood is well dried out.

The kit is a plank on bulkhead type although there is no central spine for the bulkheads as it is built up from individual wood parts.


There is a roll of flat copper included so not sure what its for, perhaps lining the hull.

It seems the original owner started the build but didn't get very far, some evidence is a few parts have been cut from sheets although nothing has been glued yet except some brown paper glued to the back of a few of the wooden parts sheets, this is a new technique to me.

So what do I do with it, a quick internet search showed these come up for sale occasionally but I don't think I will do that.
The kit was originally donated to a someone who would take on the task of building her, as this never happened I think it is now my duty to complete the build.

Looking through the instructions there is not a lot of technique details so if it's your first build it may have been a challenge to complete it.
Not sure how the materials will hold up and to complete the model some scratch built or purchased parts will be required, but I think I am up for the challenge.

A few other kit manufactures have a similar kit so was wondering if anyone has built this particular version, let me know how it went.

Many Thanks for showing us the content of this kit :cool: