Devotional The Shipbuilders Devotional #6: A Broadside Firing of Cannons.

Shipbuilder Devotionals
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Aug 21, 2011

Madison, MS
I recently viewed a youtube video of a full broadside firing of the cannons of a fully restored ship. Awesome Power and loud too. The result of this broadside firing was a substantial amount of smoke, that you could barely even see the ship. It was a whitish bluish smoke that in the end was a huge cloud that finally drifted off.
Now, imagine two or more ships firing at each other !!! It must have been one of those things you would have to be on board to witness. The energy, power, smoke, debris and wood splinters flying all over the place. If you didn't get killed with a direct fire, then you got it by a wood piece flying. What a spectacle it had to be and to witness, that is if you even survived it and even if you did, I am sure that your ship had a lot of damage.

Recently, I was involved in a one on one conflict with someone. As I can look back now and view this situation as an analogy. After the conflict, it took a while before the smoke cleared and then "the damage" was now revealed. Can the damage be repaired ? How long will it take to repair? Or, worse, there is no repair. Well, as it turns out the conflict came and went. All is well and both parties (the other person and I) are getting along. How?

How can we restore conflicts in our lives? The best way I have found is that someone has to let go of their "cannon" and stop shooting !!! When you know the other person is not going to, then I have to look at myself and see what I can do. As hard as it seems, the best approach I have found is in one word - "forgiveness" , even when you know you are right and your actions are justified.

Well, I am not a saint, I make mistakes, I do stupid things, my mouth can get ahead of my emotions. You have to admit, we all have a "cannon" that is loaded and ready to fire at will.
So, a devotional by its definition is: religious, sacred, spiritual, divine, ecclesiastical all of which seem quite academic in a way or ritualistic of which I am not either. So, I am not hear to push my faith on anyone, but rather I would like to express it.

So, if I may, let me express my devotional with you: "Love covers a multitude of sins". Take just one day and let God take all the debris and smoke out of the way, so we can see clearer what is best for all.
Very well written and it came from your heart.........
......I have a similar story, and I'm sure, many of us has been here as well.
When I am driving and another driver does something stupid and dangerous etc. I used to get annoyed and frustrated and swear at them. Doing this I always feel edgy for a long time afterwards.
Well, one of my in laws told me, if an idiot driver cuts her off etc, she prays for them that they will be safe.
Now I do the dame thing, and as a result, my edginess disappears and I feel a lot better.
Try it, it works.
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FAYYYER! It is always good to let go of a little steam, but it's smart to think twise before you do it.
Håper det har roet seg nå.
Lykke til.
English translation
FAYYYER! It is always good to let go of a little steam, but it's smart to think twise before you do it.

Hope it has calmed down now.
Good luck.
glad for you Donnie your conflict has been resolved with a handshake and I hope it endures the test of time.
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Well, (Dave) I can't place any bets on this other person. All I can say is that it involved a workplace employee - difference of opinions. Well, apparently, my opinion did not matter !!! LOL :oops: but, the main thing, all is well for (NOW) FIDO - Forget It and Drive On
Well said Donnie, been there done that too, as you know I to follow CHRIST also, JESUS could get upset and angry also RIGHTOUS ANGER ie TURNING THE TABLES OF THE MONEY LENDERS AND DOVE SELLERS AT THE TEMPLE, ETC. ALL I CAN DO IS TURN IT OVER TO GOD AND ASK FOR FOREGINESS. Don
oh the "work place" I had my conflicts. There was this guy who took a disliking to me and he did everything he could to make my days miserable. he did not like me and I did not like him. He actually took it to the point to sabotage my work. I tried to just ignore him, tried to reason with him but nope it ended up on a loading dock and I pushed him into a dumpster.
just like school days we were called into the office and the boss man said he did not care who was right or wrong, he turned to me and said dave your fired. ron gets this smirk on his face and the boss turned to ron and said get out your fired.

I sat home for a week thinking I got a bum deal here I did not do anything to loose my job. Were is the justice? well on a Friday my old foreman came over my house and he said I know what ron was doing and I went to talk to Ken. See you Monday morning? I hope

funny how there was nothing I could do BUT somehow something was done and I worked there for 7 years and ron was never seen again.
I recently viewed a youtube video of a full broadside firing of the cannons of a fully restored ship. Awesome Power and loud too. The result of this broadside firing was a substantial amount of smoke, that you could barely even see the ship. It was a whitish bluish smoke that in the end was a huge cloud that finally drifted off.
Now, imagine two or more ships firing at each other !!! It must have been one of those things you would have to be on board to witness. The energy, power, smoke, debris and wood splinters flying all over the place. If you didn't get killed with a direct fire, then you got it by a wood piece flying. What a spectacle it had to be and to witness, that is if you even survived it and even if you did, I am sure that your ship had a lot of damage.

Recently, I was involved in a one on one conflict with someone. As I can look back now and view this situation as an analogy. After the conflict, it took a while before the smoke cleared and then "the damage" was now revealed. Can the damage be repaired ? How long will it take to repair? Or, worse, there is no repair. Well, as it turns out the conflict came and went. All is well and both parties (the other person and I) are getting along. How?

How can we restore conflicts in our lives? The best way I have found is that someone has to let go of their "cannon" and stop shooting !!! When you know the other person is not going to, then I have to look at myself and see what I can do. As hard as it seems, the best approach I have found is in one word - "forgiveness" , even when you know you are right and your actions are justified.

Well, I am not a saint, I make mistakes, I do stupid things, my mouth can get ahead of my emotions. You have to admit, we all have a "cannon" that is loaded and ready to fire at will.
So, a devotional by its definition is: religious, sacred, spiritual, divine, ecclesiastical all of which seem quite academic in a way or ritualistic of which I am not either. So, I am not hear to push my faith on anyone, but rather I would like to express it.

So, if I may, let me express my devotional with you: "Love covers a multitude of sins". Take just one day and let God take all the debris and smoke out of the way, so we can see clearer what is best for all.

Hi Donnie
I fully understand what you are saying, and well said.
Thank you for posting.

I recently viewed a youtube video of a full broadside firing of the cannons of a fully restored ship. Awesome Power and loud too. The result of this broadside firing was a substantial amount of smoke, that you could barely even see the ship. It was a whitish bluish smoke that in the end was a huge cloud that finally drifted off.
Now, imagine two or more ships firing at each other !!! It must have been one of those things you would have to be on board to witness. The energy, power, smoke, debris and wood splinters flying all over the place. If you didn't get killed with a direct fire, then you got it by a wood piece flying. What a spectacle it had to be and to witness, that is if you even survived it and even if you did, I am sure that your ship had a lot of damage.

Recently, I was involved in a one on one conflict with someone. As I can look back now and view this situation as an analogy. After the conflict, it took a while before the smoke cleared and then "the damage" was now revealed. Can the damage be repaired ? How long will it take to repair? Or, worse, there is no repair. Well, as it turns out the conflict came and went. All is well and both parties (the other person and I) are getting along. How?

How can we restore conflicts in our lives? The best way I have found is that someone has to let go of their "cannon" and stop shooting !!! When you know the other person is not going to, then I have to look at myself and see what I can do. As hard as it seems, the best approach I have found is in one word - "forgiveness" , even when you know you are right and your actions are justified.

Well, I am not a saint, I make mistakes, I do stupid things, my mouth can get ahead of my emotions. You have to admit, we all have a "cannon" that is loaded and ready to fire at will.
So, a devotional by its definition is: religious, sacred, spiritual, divine, ecclesiastical all of which seem quite academic in a way or ritualistic of which I am not either. So, I am not hear to push my faith on anyone, but rather I would like to express it.

So, if I may, let me express my devotional with you: "Love covers a multitude of sins". Take just one day and let God take all the debris and smoke out of the way, so we can see clearer what is best for all.
Just read this. Thanks for sharing. Time is key. Helps parties cool down and not fire, and helps my opponents come to a realizations not considered, either way, time helps calm confrontations and saves lives in the process. Been there, not always done what's right, but learned from every altercation, good and bad.
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