"THE HALFPENNY GALLEON" - HOBBIES old time ship plan

Thanks for another dose of nostalgia. If I search hard enough I can probably find a halfpeny in old money.
In the 1940s/50s there was a fad for black painting the back of a sheet of picture glass but leaving a clear area that outlined the shape of an item. The 'picture' was created with different coloured pieces of silver paper - sweet wrappers etc. My Dad made one with the ha'penny galleon as the picture. The sails were gold I recall.
Muy buenas a todos los miembros del este foro. Estoy muy interesado en todos los comentarios que hacéis sobre las experiencias de vuestros trabajos. Me ayudan mucho. Podéis informarme alguno de vosotros cómo puedo descargarme en formato PDF planos de barcos para construir. Un saludo a todos y que no decaigáis en la construcción de vuestros proyectos. Salud

Very good to all the members of this forum. I am very interested in all the comments you make about your work experiences. They help me a lot. Can any of you tell me how I can download ship plans in PDF format to build. A greeting to all and that you do not falter in the construction of your projects. Health
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