The best files in the world for ship models ( in my opinion )


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Jul 9, 2016

Phillip Island Australia
Hi gang,
been using these Perma-grit files on my timber frames for the Enterprise plank on frame to remove stubborn laser char from those hard to get to spots.

A friend of mine and fellow ship modeller put me onto these files, and they are sensational. Its stated they never wear out or clog up with dust , and from my experience I believe its true. The files are different to normal files, as they appear to have some sort of abrasive coating on them.

Heres the photo of my well used needle files below, plus a link to the company. Cheers.
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Hi Brian ,I have posted these last year ,very good tools,I have them too,.
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Hi Zoly,
I have never seen them before until a friend put me onto them.
They file timber like crazy and don't blunt or clog up. Just amazing files.
My original post is in the damaged images are from llast year crash,I fix them later and move the post back later.
Be only careful which one you buy. Once I bought a cheep copy in a regular tool shop and they were directly for the waste. Buy the originals...... high value for money
I’ve had the flat ones for years. Micro Mark used to carry them (probably at inflated prices) but I haven’t seen them lately. Liked the cleaning video. I haven’t cleaned mine in a long time. Will now.