Queen Mary - modelled model

Nov 18, 2021

The story this project was an article in the London and South Western Railway society magazine. A summary of special traffic notice was published, giving details of a large crate to be conveyed by special wagon from the north to Southampton. The notice described the crate and its dimensions. Researching the type of railway wagon produced the tram trolley wagon of the LNER which was a low level well wagon used to transport trams from the manufacturers over the railway to the customer. The contents of the crate was an engineering model of the QM, both of built by John Brown. The occasion was the sailing of the QM on it maiden voyage from Southampton to Cherbourg and then to New York in May 1936. The model ship is made from plastic sheet for the decks and rivet transfers for the portholes and windows. The railway wagon was built from plastic sheet. The original model is 18ft long and is on display in the Riverside Museum, Glasgow.RMSQueenMary Model A small.jpgFHBR SouthQuay QM model DSC09336.JPG