Puppy and Model Ship Building

Oct 9, 2020

Fredericton, NB
Well I have had to put down my Exacto knife for a while because we just got a new puppy. For those that aren't familiar, puppies do what they aren't supposed to do, like destroy everything in site, they go wherever they want to go, 'nuff said on this subject, and they hide in the most absurd places, like under shrubs that are near where there is a hole in the fence. Oh and did I forget to mention that they don't listen? Well, all hope seems lost but fortunately I have a crate. Believe me when I tell you that it's not cruel to put your dog in the crate when he acts up. Usually that means the puppy is tired and so the crate is a perfect place for a timeout. But his "timeout" don't last long enough for me to do anything on my model. So, with great sadness, I have to stop working on my favourite hobby for a few months. Can someone else in my family take care of him? No. Why because stupid me decided that my other dog needed companionship and I thought getting a puppy would make him feel less alone. Maybe when the puppy is older this will happen but for now, it's pure torture for me because guess what? The puppy likes to play rough and the poor adult dog, doesn't know what the heck is going on and he gets mad. Sigh. What a mistake.
In short if any of you are looking for a puppy and love model ship building, then don't get a puppy. Get a stuffed animal instead!!!
Well older mature dogs are also a pain, seems I spend half my day getting up and taking to the door to go out, and 5 minutes later letting them back in.

And if I don't let my oldest (10 years young) out fast enough, I spend time cleaning the floor.

But as much as the problems they bring, your 4 legged friends also bring the greatest love for owners and keep us happy when sad, and are a great companion to us and other pets when we are sad.

Best of luck with the young one, hopefully training won't take that long.

It will give you a few minutes each day to at least keep up with the forums.

I installed a dog door for our Benji and he just let's himself out and in whenever he wants it's great when we go out shopping as we don't have to worry about him,
I know very well what you describe - keep in mind, that puppies are sleeping 80% of the time -> you have still a chance for 15 to 30 minutes in the workshop
The period when our dogs are still puppies are the intensive time, but they are growing.
Our Lagoto / Italian Waterdog with name Vanda is now 2 years old....... it is getting better....

Vanda taking a sunbath in the garden
