posting photos

How do I post a photo, or several photos, of a build in progress?

When you write your post, you can see on the bottom left side the "Attach Files"

Screenshot 2023-06-15 153144.png

click on it and you will come to your harddisc files

define which photo or photos you want to upload - and click at the bottom left "open"

Than you will see your photos at the bootom of your post

Screenshot 2023-06-15 153225.png

click on each photo "Insert"

and it will open to "Thumpnail" and "Full image" - usually we use "full image" but it is your decision

Screenshot 2023-06-15 153244.png

I made an example these three photos as a Thumbnail - Full Image - Thumbnail - the photos will be inserted into your text where your cursor is in moment

Screenshot 2023-06-15 153323.png

afterwards the usual "Post Reply" and the post with photos is finished

Screenshot 2023-06-15 153336.png

Try it - easy and fast

Here the size of my three photos



I was actually able to muddle through on my own on my last post. I hope I can repeat the process before it recedes into the oblivion of my recall. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the leg up, Uwe!:)
