Modelship Dockyard

May 19, 2021

Burnsvile, MN
Does anyone have experience with this company. It's new. Products from China. I'm thinking of the small Constitution kit.
Does anyone have experience with this company. It's new. Products from China. I'm thinking of the small Constitution kit.
Oh yeah...This brand is well familiar to us (SOS), they have introduced about four different kits. We have dozens of kit build logs on various ships by Modelship Dockyard. We have very positive feedback on their kits. However, I never heard they make a Constitution model kit. Please check out the products they made (below)

Oh yeah...This brand is well familiar to us (SOS), they have introduced about four different kits. We have dozens of kit build logs on various ships by Modelship. We have very positive feedback on their kits. However, I never heard they make a Constitution model kit. Please check out the products the made (below)

My bad. I Ws thinking one thing and typing another....I meant Enterprise.
I can recommend the Enterprize kit. I really enjoy building them. Building requires very good concentration. The videos that Victor made are very helpful
A girl posted a more detailed production video on social media in China. I'm not sure if everyone can see it

A girl posted a more detailed production video on social media in China. I'm not sure if everyone can see it

The song by Patricia Kaas in Chinese is especially touching!!!