Hoorah! First wooden ship kit ever!

I went from plastic car kits as a kid to balsa airplanes to a plastic kit of the Bluenose to wood ship models. My first wood model ship was ModelExpo’s Model Shipways “Revenue Cutter.” That was a dozen kits ago! So look what you have to look forward to! So indeed, crack on! :)
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I went from plastic car kits as a kid to balsa airplanes to a plastic kit of the Bluenose to wood ship models. My first wood model ship was ModelExpo’s Model Shipways “Revenue Cutter.” That was a dozen kits ago! So look what you have to look forward to! So indeed, crack on! :)
Thanks Jim, yes remember the glory days of my youth making balsa rubber band airplanes at a school club and saving my pocket money to buy an air fix kit from Woolworths. Ah memories.......