Hoorah! First wooden ship kit ever!

Mar 13, 2023

Faversham, Kent, England
Hello chaps just won Abid on a certain online auction site of the minimamoli 1/650 scale bluenose kit for 10£ and free postage! Seemed perfect for a timber beginner but am looking forward to it greatly. Still working on my plastic ( mutter, ahem) POW but this will be an interesting learning curve and outside my usual fossil fuels comfort zone! Will bore you with updates as and when they happen.
As always, good luck, enjoy and crack on!
Best wishes maties
Hello chaps just won Abid on a certain online auction site of the minimamoli 1/650 scale bluenose kit for 10£ and free postage! Seemed perfect for a timber beginner but am looking forward to it greatly. Still working on my plastic ( mutter, ahem) POW but this will be an interesting learning curve and outside my usual fossil fuels comfort zone! Will bore you with updates as and when they happen.
As always, good luck, enjoy and crack on!
Best wishes maties
Hi Andy. Always nice to see a new and different build of a Bluenose.
Maybe it's a nice idea to touch base with @Peter Voogt; he keeps a list of most Bluenose models built or being build by SoS members. See https://shipsofscale.com/sosforums/threads/list-of-bn-kits.6846/#post-152706. He then can add your build to the overview.
As Johan suggested, I will ad your build-log on the list of BN-build on this SoS.
The list was started with BN builds of YuanQing, but on the list I added also builds from other manufacturers. Perhaps some buikds will give you extra motivation.
Regards, Peter
Please add my welcome to the forum and the world of wood.
I have the greatest admiration for your clearly evident skills working with plastic models. Just a different medium, no less demanding and worthy of notice!
Nice work!
