HMS Royal Caroline kit ZHL 1/30

Maarten, the desire to vacuum disappear after 3-5 times ... And the dust eats into the model so that you can’t clean it out ...
Hi Andrey,

I do have more models of already over 25 yrs old, they keep quite clean over the years and once every 5 years or so I clean them with a small brush and asmal vacuum hose. Goes quite well.
Adding a glass cover doesn't allow you to have a nice close up view to your models and I love to look to them in detail from time to time. Feels like a trip back into memory lane.:)
Time for carving. The carving of Caroline on the bow stem is a two halves 2,5D carving, this means details at fron and rear are not cnc carved. Secondly the carving is not wide enouch which results in a misproportioned Caroline.
Time to be bolt and change the carving. I have seen a fantastic example at 4hmodel which I use as template.
First I added 4 mm additional boxwood in between.
I hollowed out the rear section to be able to fit it over the stem Like it should and not to cut out the stem like mentioned in the kit.
I start at the front with carving the dress.
This is the beginning of a long process of the carving.
Sorry a lot of additional posts on this specific carving will follow.
For the carving I use rotary diamond bits, carving bits, ver small carving knives and riffle files.
Time to continue, I will first show you what I use for these carvings currently. This work I mainy do by engraving with diamond grinding bits with a very fine tip. Some very fine knives and a tooth brush to remove the dust etc.
For the rest I have an assortment of diamond bits, two large carving bits and a set of very smal carving bits.
The positive of the diamond bits is that the process is very slow and controlled. With the carving bit the process is much quicker and therefore less controlled.
Below the biggest and smallest diamond shaped carving bit I have with a pencil to compare size.
Ok let the tools do their job and carve.
First the front of the dress by finishing the lower part.
This is all done with the very fine diamond engraving tip, so it is more grinding.
Next step is cutting of her hands, no she did not steal anything but these are to small and incorrect, secondly it provides better acces to correctly shape the dress and sleeves. Don t worry she will get new ones in the end.
Now it is time to separate the sleeves from her body.
And shaping the collar of her dress all around her neck, fwd and aft.
The rough shape of te collar is set, now I start to finish the sleeves and free her arm from her torso.
In the holes in the sleeves her new arm are fitted in a later stage.
Almost so important with a dress like tis is shaping her decollete.
The rest of the coller can now be finished with rouches all around.


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Now the rear of the dress needs reshaping, this fits loosely over the stem. And before carving I cit away a lot of boxwood by knive.
Then start carving to create an idea of a dress hanging over the stem.
Time for dry fitting.
Now you can imagine, carving takes a long time, but it is fun to do and greatly satifying.
I already started with her face, this is the most difficult part. I fuly have to recarve it as I added 4 mm to the width of her head.
I roughly set out the face but I still have a lot of wworks to do. It is only removing a few grams of boxwood but the correct spots to remove it from is the difficulty here :oops: .
This is the current status.
As said work in progress.
Hallo Maarten,
very good work and many thanks for sharing your work with us in detail - it is very interesting.

It will be very interesting to see, if you can make a beauty out of this piece of wood.

To be honest:
In moment I would not even think, that someone (world wide) would merry her - but with time some women are getting more and more interesting (and some of them also more pretty ;) ;) ;)

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I am crossing all fingers ......
Hi Uwe, dont get rude, I moddeled her after my mother in law :rolleyes:ROTFROTFROTFROTF
No just work in progress, just started to set the outlines of the face. The swelling below the nose is not because of a free fight weekend but it will be her mouth.

I have been looking for the real caroline and there are two suspects.
The first queen caroline wife of George 2nd, but she died 10 years before the launch of the ship. Second option is his daughter princess caroline.
See below pictures of both.
Again a brief update after another hour of carving.
Today narrowed the face and and carved her hair. She had a small wooden crown which I changed to hair, thinkjng about giving her a wooden crown, but there will also be an additional brass crown above it.
I still have to narrow her face a little bit I think.
See below her current face.