HMS PRINCE. Basata sui piani di costruzione Amati.

Marium, I didn't understand what you were saying but the photos of your workmanship is outstanding. I also love your workshop area! Nicely done! Magic Mike
Very interesting model - and very good work
Many Thanks for showing us this log
Marium, I didn't understand what you were saying but the photos of your workmanship is outstanding. I also love your workshop area! Nicely done! Magic Mike
Marium, I didn't understand what you were saying but the photos of your workmanship is outstanding. I also love your workshop area! Nicely done! Magic Mike
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I'm happy that you like it. If you select the yellow text and then right-click you can choose translate.

Screenshot 2023-12-29 alle 16.03.24.png
bellissima io l'avevo fatta tutta manualmente con seghetto di traforo e lime nessun macchinario.
una trentina di anni fà.
Very good work on the planking
the first planking is well prepared and smooth - so you made a very good second planking
Looking very good
Bellissimo lavoro.
Pensa io ho fatto tutte le ordinate con il traforo manuale lime,raspe.