HMS GRANADO 1:48 scale PoF CAF Model by Keith

Hi Keith, That’s a rapid start, blink and I’ll miss something, it’s looking good so far, really looking forward to this one. Ken
Hi Ken. Thanks for your interest and comments. Although you say it's a rapid start, l'm taking things nice and easy. This kit can't be rushed so there will plenty of time to catch up and l will try to keep the progress well documented
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Rainy at the moment and a bit chilly in the workshop but managed to secure in place the transom timbers and cant frames 53 which are dry fitted to test the way it all fits together. A very small amount of fine tuning to be done and l'm very happy with the result. The next stage suggested in the instructions is a move to the bow and construction of the first 7 cant frames. The 2 sides of frame No. 1 port and starboard have been made up and had their initial sanding to fair them. Each of theses frames are made of 2 parts and the joint is a bit tricky as the 2 adjoining sides have to be cambered before gluing together. This done, the pair are dry fitted in their position on the keel. So now it's just a case of making up and sanding the remaining frames. Don't worry l shan't be documenting every frame, all 53 of them, but will be posting progress reports regularly. Thank you for tuning in and your interest in this project









A bit more work at the front end. The cant frames are not glued and considering this is the first sanding, they fit well in the cradle. This is a great kit to work on and at this very early stage l'm extremely happy with the result so far







You are on a very good way
What I liked very much at this phase, was the possibility of a sideview - in order to check the correct rest of the frames on top of the keel
I am very happy, that you can confirm the high quality of the kit
You are on a very good way
What I liked very much at this phase, was the possibility of a sideview - in order to check the correct rest of the frames on top of the keel
I am very happy, that you can confirm the high quality of the kit
I feel am at the opening stages of a great experience with this kit. l am thoroughly enjoying every minute in my workshop working on it. l cannot compliment CAF Models enough. The quality of the materials, the design and accuracy of this kit are outstanding. ln the words of the late Tina Turer it's ''simply the best''
All 7 cant frames for the bow, port and starboard, are now constructed and have had their initial sanding to fair them to the shape of the hull. At the moment they are all just dry fitted as l don't want to fix them permanently to the keel until the hawse pieces are made up and their positions are checked, then some fine tuning will be necessary to get the best fit possible. Before all that l shall move on to the stern cant frames and once complete, l shall fix all permanently to the keel then make up the rest of the 'normal' frames, starting from midships and working towards the bow and stern






A couple more (just for Uwe) showing the great design of this kit and how well the frames fit into the supports

View attachment 423634

View attachment 423635
Many Thanks for these photos - very good work - we can see it
Do not forget the view from fore

BTW: just a short hint - fix the cant frames really only after you have prepared and adjusted the hawse timbers
IMG_0142.jpg IMG_0197.jpg
already some time ago...... time is running

You are doing a very good job !!!
Hi Keef - you have certainly made an excellent start to this kit. It's great to hear from modelers who are happy with the quality of the kits they are building. I firmly believe that the better the builder, the better the quality of the kit ROTF !
Hi Keef - you have certainly made an excellent start to this kit. It's great to hear from modelers who are happy with the quality of the kits they are building. I firmly believe that the better the builder, the better the quality of the kit ROTF !
:D It could also be said the other way round. Thank you for your comments my friend. Good to hear from you :)
The stern cant frames have all been cleaned up, adjusted and fixed in place on the transom pieces and keel. They fit into the jig well and l'm very happy with the result so far. So now it's back to the bow with the construction of the hawse timbers, then clean and adjust the cant frames and fit the whole assembly into position. Which l shall detail next time. Until then . . .







Bonjour. Combien avez vous payé votre KIT? Moi, j'ai payé 420 dollards + Port, mais je n'ai reçu que pour monter le squelette??? Est ce normal???
Morning! how price you pay your Kit? Me I pay 420 dollars + shipping and I receive only squelettum of ship??? Is normal???
Morning! how price you pay your Kit? Me I pay 420 dollars + shipping and I receive only squelettum of ship??? Is normal???
Hi profmomo. Thank you for getting in touch. This kit comes in 3 parts or ''sessions''. Part 1 consists of 2 boxes of materials. One box contains all the materials to make up the frames for the hull (the skeleton of the ship). When completed you will end up with exactly what is illustrated on the box label. The second box contains the plywood elements of the building cradle. Part 2 is one box containing everything required to make up the interior of the hull, lower deck and cabins, some inner planking and timbers to make the two mortar frames. Part 3 consists of the many accessories needed to entirely complete the model. Each part or session can be purchased independently, and yes, as you say the cost is around 420 dollars for each.
Hi Keef. Many thinks for your answer. Cost is 420 dollars for each part. I have only part 2. I became to old!

I haven't understand that. Now I will try to by one for make up the frame.
My be I will find one modeler who have made HMS TORNADO and able to sold me this part.
Hi Keef. Many thinks for your answer. Cost is 420 dollars for each part. I have only part 2. I became to old!

I haven't understand that. Now I will try to by one for make up the frame.
Hi profmomo. Sorry to hear of your situation. You will have to complete part 1 before you can use any of the contents of part 2