Hello from Oxfordshire, UK

Hi John
Welcome to SoS.
I have built the AL Bounty cutaway version and rigged it with sails too, 21 years ago.
I will look to see if I have any documentation still as I kept the box.
I will also take some photos of my Bounty although I do not claim that my rigging is a definitive accurate source for the original.
I will post again when I have had an opportunity to follow up.
Hi Michael,
Just a note of apology as I had wrongly mentioned Jeff (Corsair) as having sent me the rigging images for the HMS Bounty. Sorry for the error. I must pay more attention !!
I’m pleased to say I have been studying the images you kindly sent over and am beginning to understand how to read them. I have realised that the full rigging was never attempted in the original build.
Thanks again John in Oxfordshire UK
also from my side a warm welcome here on board of our forum