Hello from California

Jan 15, 2024

Ventura, CA
Hi everyone.

My name is Toni and I'm brand spanking new to ship building. I picked The Buccaneer by Occre to start. Both because I love galleons and, also, because it was rated on the lower end of the expertise scale. I'm finding it pretty challenging, nonetheless.

I'm a recently retired empty-nester who just moved 400 miles away from where I spent 40+ years of my life. As a result, I'm finding myself feeling a bit lost with a LOT of time to fill. Dividing it between metal detecting and now ship building.

Thanks for having me. Here's my build log: https://shipsofscale.com/sosforums/threads/occre-buccaneer-first-build-ever.13461/
also from my side a warm welcome here on board of our forum
Toni, welcome aboard mate! Toni there is a modeling club up your way that meets at the nautical museum called Chanel Islands Maritime Museum
I no longer know if the club still meets there or when but if you go visit the museum I sure they can tell you all about the club and meeting times. I know at one time there.were plans on having an area where club members could work on their projects. I am a member of SMA here in Northern Orange County. Best wishes on your next build, the learner

Toni, welcome aboard mate! Toni there is a modeling club up your way that meets at the nautical museum called Chanel Islands Maritime Museum
I no longer know if the club still meets there or when but if you go visit the museum I sure they can tell you all about the club and meeting times. I know at one time there.were plans on having an area where club members could work on their projects. I am a member of SMA here in Northern Orange County. Best wishes on your next build, the learner


That sounds awesome, Learner. I would really enjoy being a part of a modelling club. I looked up the Channel Islands Maritime Museum website but I don't see a mention of a meet-up for a modelling club so I'll give the museum a call and see what they have to say.

Thank you! :)