Columbus ships, Santa Maria and Pinta, kit by Amati... [COMPLETED BUILD]

Dec 1, 2014

Vancouver, BC
From Amati family there were always something nice happening; first there were violins and then ship models.

From Wikipedia: Amati (/əˈmɑːti/, Italian: [aˈmaːti]) is the last name of a family of Italian violin makers who lived at Cremona from about 1538 to 1740. Their importance is considered equal to those of the Bergonzi, Guarneri, and Stradivari families. Today, violins created by Nicolò Amati are valued at around $600,000.[1] Because of their age and rarity, Amati instruments are mostly kept in museum or private collections and are seldom played in public.

From ship model world, Amati makes very interesting and quality models. Since i am not quite a musician to enjoy the quality of Amati violins, i will stick with ship models. This time i decided to go with Columbus ships, Santa Maria and Pinta. The foundings for Nina were not available so i was able to purchase only two models. My plan is to start making them in parallel, for example will make planking on both, will put the deck on both, etc... Not sure if this will work well, but would like to try it. Anyhow, Pinta will be the first one to attack.
First will be making a copy of kit plans, trying to keep the kit plans unused. Then will start with building.





Actually at this moment, i started to work on figures, Columbo and his crew, 10 figurines, by Artesania Latina.


First the base coat was applied to all figures... and started to paint them...








I was actually thinking of doing some other model but decided to work on these two ships instead...

That is all for now,

happy modelling..
From Amati family there were always something nice happening; first there were violins and then ship models.

From Wikipedia: Amati (/əˈmɑːti/, Italian: [aˈmaːti]) is the last name of a family of Italian violin makers who lived at Cremona from about 1538 to 1740. Their importance is considered equal to those of the Bergonzi, Guarneri, and Stradivari families. Today, violins created by Nicolò Amati are valued at around $600,000.[1] Because of their age and rarity, Amati instruments are mostly kept in museum or private collections and are seldom played in public.

From ship model world, Amati makes very interesting and quality models. Since i am not quite a musician to enjoy the quality of Amati violins, i will stick with ship models. This time i decided to go with Columbus ships, Santa Maria and Pinta. The foundings for Nina were not available so i was able to purchase only two models. My plan is to start making them in parallel, for example will make planking on both, will put the deck on both, etc... Not sure if this will work well, but would like to try it. Anyhow, Pinta will be the first one to attack.
First will be making a copy of kit plans, trying to keep the kit plans unused. Then will start with building.

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Actually at this moment, i started to work on figures, Columbo and his crew, 10 figurines, by Artesania Latina.

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First the base coat was applied to all figures... and started to paint them...

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I was actually thinking of doing some other model but decided to work on these two ships instead...

That is all for now,

happy modelling..
Good thinking to build 2 of Columbus ships together and to include figurines of Columbus and his crew. I will join Heinrich here. Good luck and enjoy.
Thank you Jamie,

i have a copy of "This ships of Christopher Columbus" book but it does not contain list of a crew. This is very interesting fact..

Box of figurines from AL has some names on but only "important" people, others are listed as sailors...
Most everything is known about Christopher Columbus famous sail so here i will drop only a voyage plan/track..

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Some times after Christopher Columbus, few replicas of these vessels were built to commemorate this incredible voyage. In 1892, first replica was build, the Santa Maria as a nao, also known as Fernandez-Duro replica. The ship was built in Cadiz, to commemorate 400 years of European discovery of America. Her destination was the Columbus World Fair at Chicago, as a gift from the government and people of Spain.

Second one was built 1927, as the Santa Maria as a Caravel, based on study done by an officer of Spanish Navy. This replica was meant to features in the Exposicion Iberoamericana in Seville. After being exhibited at this fair, the version of Sant Maria was anchored at the monastery of La Rabida, at Huelva, Spain. In 1945 she sank off Alicante while under tow from Valencia on the east coast to Cartagena for repairs.

The 500th anniversary project provided replicas of all ships from Columbus expedition. The Nao Santa Maria has been built by Astilleros Viudes in Barcelona, the caravel Pinta by Astilleros Reunidos of Isla Christina and the caravel Nina at Cartagena Dockyard. In October 1992 all three vessels crossed the Atlantic, retracting the course of Columbus and his flotilla 500 years before. Amazing...

The original Nina was owned by Juan Nino of Moguer (in Huelva), who took part in the first voyage as her master, under the captain Vicente Yanez Pinzon of Palos. Her original name was Santa Clara and the name Nina was an allusion to her owner' surname. Columbus had a great fondness for Nina and sailed with her about 25000 miles. He eventually became her half-owner and captained her on his second voyage.

The Pinta belonged to Christobal Quintero of Palos, who also accompanied his ship on Columbus' first voyage. Pinta's captain was Martin Alonso Pinzon of Palos and her master was his cousin Francisco Martin Pinzon.

Happy modelling..
Hi moreplovac, just in case you are interested, here you have the list of the crew. To know who is who ;)View attachment 281137
It is interesting to try and imagine what life was aboard these small ships at that time. Probably a lot dirtier and more odiferous to speculate the least. Standing watch and not particularly with time for sanitation was likely the order of the day and not washing of clothing. Your painting of the figures takes a steady hand for such good work. Rich (PT-2)
Good morning moreplovac, I see that you have done a very good research work. Fine, and in fact, the information of the crew came from the 1892 dossier written for the building of the commemorative ships. I managed to get a facsimile with some interesting facts and pictures. I hope it could be interesting for your work...

In the crew list of the PINTA, is the name of Rodrigo de Triana from Lepe (in the province of Huelva) who was the first to watch the new world.

From Amati family there were always something nice happening; first there were violins and then ship models.

From Wikipedia: Amati (/əˈmɑːti/, Italian: [aˈmaːti]) is the last name of a family of Italian violin makers who lived at Cremona from about 1538 to 1740. Their importance is considered equal to those of the Bergonzi, Guarneri, and Stradivari families. Today, violins created by Nicolò Amati are valued at around $600,000.[1] Because of their age and rarity, Amati instruments are mostly kept in museum or private collections and are seldom played in public.

From ship model world, Amati makes very interesting and quality models. Since i am not quite a musician to enjoy the quality of Amati violins, i will stick with ship models. This time i decided to go with Columbus ships, Santa Maria and Pinta. The foundings for Nina were not available so i was able to purchase only two models. My plan is to start making them in parallel, for example will make planking on both, will put the deck on both, etc... Not sure if this will work well, but would like to try it. Anyhow, Pinta will be the first one to attack.
First will be making a copy of kit plans, trying to keep the kit plans unused. Then will start with building.

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Actually at this moment, i started to work on figures, Columbo and his crew, 10 figurines, by Artesania Latina.

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First the base coat was applied to all figures... and started to paint them...

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I was actually thinking of doing some other model but decided to work on these two ships instead...

That is all for now,

happy modelling..
it's looks great project, I will keep following with great curiosity
I see that you have done a very good research work
Thank you Jamie, much appreciated level of provided details.

Majority of mentioned facts i have collected from the book "The ships of Christopher Columbus" , Anatomy of the ship series. Planning to use this book as a reference even dough Amati did a great job with the kit(s) itself.

Thanks again.
My plan is to start making them in parallel,

That's a nice idea. I have similar one, that I want to do two models at the same time in general - but models of ships that come from the same country. I guess I'll do something like that with all three Columbus ships in the future. Definitely gonna save your log for future references, good luck with the project! I like that all three models from Amati are the same scale Ship-1
Hi Jaime, are you able to scan/picture pages about the life on ships?

Would like to get a bit more details about that aspect of a voyage..
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I made a copy of kit plans (blueprints) so i can keep the originals and have a working copy to write on. This is my usual practice when building kit.

Few figures i am planing to put on models are mostly done. I have 5 more figures if i decide to crew the ships a bit more..

This fellow is in the process of painting and will be cleaning the floor in Columbus' chamber.. We will call him Pedro de Soria (thank you Jaime for all crew names)


This dude will hold the famous flag, getting ready to jump on the New World, Juan de la Cosa.


The flag is with another arm..

This is Martin Alonso Pinzon, commander of Pinta during the voyage. Pinta had to reroute a bit to a Lanzarote, Spanish ruled port in Canary Island, because of a problem with her rudder.


This fellow apparently was the first one who saw the land, Juan Rodriguez Bermejo aka Rodrigo de Triana, member of a Pinta crew.


And, the great, Christopher Columbus...


All figures received a layer of protective coat, since the paint was starting to chip off on parts that are exposed to touches.

Happy modelling..
One more interesting log to be expected ..... I will follow with big interest.
BTW: Did you finally finish the Phoenix?
Also, planning to put some lights on both ships;

these ones are solid lights; expecting to get the same size LED but this time flickering, candle-alike lights..



Happy modelling..