A little bit about carving and a Sovereign of the seas model hand carved in pearwood, in scale 1:72

Apr 10, 2019

Talking about carving is not so easy, because there are a lot of differet opinions, but first to a special man and his special Model of the Sovereign Of the seas.

Our Vienna group of model builders had no artists, but well craftsman and one of these guys was Wolfgang Rotter. One day, by a Model Exhibition he told me
there was a beautifull wooden modelkit of the Sovereign of the seas 1637 and had start to building it. "Wow" He get a little smaler, as I told him, that the kit have
a lot of errors, because he was made after a model in the National Maritime Museum and that this model was built 1830 with a wrong stern . As he asked me
from where I knows, I told him from my research about english ships of the 17th in England. I told him too, that I would help him, if he was ready to carve all
the tiny little figures and decorations needed for the model and I would make him the drawings for his carving work from the two original depictions. One of the
Stern and one of the port side and for the carving on starbord side I have a discription. The only problem was that all pictures shows the model with open gunports
and he want built the model with closed. But I know from my research that there was mask heads for decoration on it.

Fourtin days later he call me and said he was ready.

There are a lot of pictures to post, so I will start with the first one and continue with the details

Willi (schifferlbauer)

IMG_0400.JPGsov Stern 4 - Kopie.jpgver7.jpgglo7.jpg

Amazing if the guy has made all those carvings in only fourteen days (as I understood from your text). I wonder with which method has he made the carvings, manually with small chisels or with a rotary tool?
The text says that but I very much doubt that the SoS carvings could have been done in 2 weeks time... unless we are talking about a repetitive CNC process, which must have been started with a modelling phase, lasting for months and other preparations.
It was hard for my eyes to find out, what some figures shows, because the all are very small on the Van de Velde drawing.
And also not easy to draw, because some times the peak of the pencil was to thick fore good details. So I must made
some detalils in a biger size, to show Wolfgang what he must carve.14.JPG15.JPG16.JPG17.JPG18.JPG19.jpg19.jpg19a.jpg20.JPG21.JPG22.JPG22a.JPG22b.jpg
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The figurehead was put on the peak and the bellfry was the next to be build. The problem was no body knows extact how the look like.
By my researches in Oxford and St. Magdalene college in Cambridge I have found a piece of adwice that four animals was placed on the corners
of the bellfry . The hold the shields of the house Lancaster, York, Tudor and Stuart
