74 Gun Ship - Gun decks [COMPLETED BUILD]

Jun 3, 2018

Nastätten -Rhein Land Pfalz - Germany
Hello modeling friends.

Animated by the pictures by Gregory Franchetti
and the drawings by Jean Boudriot,
I try to build the three gun decks as a cross-sectional on a scale 1/24.

First, I made an auxiliary construction four the mounting and alignment of the frames,
to strengthen them , the bar timbers and the deck beam girdes were installed,
the first gun deck was planked.

The whole now has the required stability for the further interior design.


(Google Translator)














Hello Karl,
I am a huge fan of your work and I look forward to this next project of yours. About 4 or 5 years ago, I too built a larger scale portion of a generic gun deck. This was when I had a larger lathe and wanted to practice with it and made a wooden cannon. After completing the cannon I decided 5o also make a gundeck to help my cannon. I was not sure of its size until I bought a 10 inch "Walking Dead" action figure. I determined that the scale may be 1:7 but then again I might be wrong. Here are a few fotos of what I constructed.

Oh !! - you started a very interesting section model
I will follow this new project with big interest -> BTW a beautifull scale for this attempt - and as we know your work, we can expect a lot of details...... :cool:
wonderfull accurate work - and I like the color of your Elsbeere very much.

Wunderschöne Arbeit !!!!

I would be very happy to see much more often some updates of your work
You always produce beautiful work Karl.
fanfastig bui¡d ofd a oriental style gun
Hello modeling friends.

Animated by the pictures by Gregory Franchetti
and the drawings by Jean Boudriot,
I try to build the three gun decks as a cross-sectional on a scale 1/24.

First, I made an auxiliary construction four the mounting and alignment of the frames,
to strengthen them , the bar timbers and the deck beam girdes were installed,
the first gun deck was planked.

The whole now has the required stability for the further interior design.


(Google Translator)

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wonderfull accurate work - and I like the color of your Elsbeere very much.

Wunderschöne Arbeit !!!!

I would be very happy to see much more often some updates of your work
You have done very precise lathe work for the mold casting and your abilities with the outcome are remarkable. Excellent cannons for your gun decks which all show a dedication to detailed work and presentation that the fully completed and armed cross section will provide. Rich (PT-2)
You have done very precise lathe work for the mold casting and your abilities with the outcome are remarkable. Excellent cannons for your gun decks which all show a dedication to detailed work and presentation that the fully completed and armed cross section will provide. Rich (PT-2)
I fully agree with PT-2. Exelent work. This brings me back to 1988, where a carpenter woth his Lathe made the Gunpibe in Wood, and then later mould with "TIN", yes they were heavy. It was fore a Spanish Fregat build 1989-1991 -totaly schratch build. Still have the originals PLANS, allthoug they are starting -in the folding point -to get week.
Like Jim already mentioned - many thanks for showing us the step by step works -
it is looking simple and with the jelp of your photos easy to understand of how to do it, but .....
NO EXCUSE ANY MORE, FOR NOT MAKING YOU THEMSELVES. I have done over the last parts of my building period, as I always inserted all Deck -NO DUMMY DUN for me -so you had different seizes