San Francisco, 1:90, Artesania Latina, Build Log Video [Completed Build]

Jul 21, 2022

Vancouver BC, Canada
Hi Ship Builders,
Happy new year of 2023.
Please check out my latest youtube build video, the Artesania Latina San Francisco 1:90.
The build started on October 23, 2022 and finished on December 31, 2022.
Please enjoy.

Sorry, I did NOT have text and photo build log for this build. However, I will provide image/text build log for the next build.

Thank you.

I took a year to build the same model. But I didn't work endlessly on it. Just a few hours most days.
I guess this is one reason why I am into this hobby so much. I really enjoyed the making process, fast or slow, fancy or simple, realistic or fantasy… I have the total control.
Absolutely fantastic! This is the best build for SFII I have yet seen. Definitely taking pointers for my build of SFII. I want to learn how you painted the sails in particular.
Thank you, Kurt.
I simply used a pencil to sketch the pattern on the sail. then used acrylic paint. The sail pattern was from google image. you can search spanish galleon ship sail to find some good examples. You can also watch my YouTube build video at 12:43 minutes which showed how I paint my sails.
The video link is:
Thank you, Kurt.
I simply used a pencil to sketch the pattern on the sail. then used acrylic paint. The sail pattern was from google image. you can search spanish galleon ship sail to find some good examples. You can also watch my YouTube build video at 12:43 minutes which showed how I paint my sails.
The video link is:
Congrats Edward! This is great inspiration for me as I'm building since June last year the San Francisco as well. Great build.