Top Rope

Jul 10, 2021

Vancouver Island
Dan Vadas refers to "top rope" as the rope used to raise and lower the topmast. I can't find any mention of it in Peterssons" Rigging Period Ships". Is there another name for it?
It is described in both Mondfeld and Anderson if you have those. If not, I'll send you the information (at work right now and I don't have those books in front of me).
Top ropes are rigged temporarily and used to telescopically lower the mast sections for maintenance or replacement. Consider them optional, but details the masts with the sheaves at the foot of each topmast and topgallant mast section. They are not typically found on models since they are not rigged while sailing. There are sheaved in the foot of the topmast used in conjunction with blocks hung from eyes in the bottom of the mast cap. They are rigged for the topgallant masts also when needed.

RC Anderson:

Main topmast top rope rigged on the model of La Couronne. I chose to add them to my model but for the topmasts only.


This toprope leads to a tackle hooked to an eye on the deck on front of the mainmast.
It is described in both Mondfeld and Anderson if you have those. If not, I'll send you the information (at work right now and I don't have those books in front of me).
I have both those. I saw Anderson's explanation but he always stops at 1710 or so and I never know if there was a change by 1789. I'm just starting to think about rigging and I keep forgetting that Mondfeld has a big rigging section. With those two and Petersson's, (and you guys :)), I should be good. Thanks
Dan Vadas refers to "top rope" as the rope used to raise and lower the topmast. I can't find any mention of it in Peterssons" Rigging Period Ships". Is there another name for it?
Interesting omission from Peterson's book as he shows them in his Rigging Fore and Aft book. There he too refers to them as Top Ropes and they are there for that purpose