Lougre le Coureur 1776 CAF Model by Chello

Hi Chello How is your model going?
Hi Sisco, not making much progress as I struggle to find the time to build. On top of that the CA glue allergy is a bit more serious than I thought. So I have to dress like if I’m going on a space walk to just glue 4 planks. I’ve still got a few to go but after that it’s back to woodglue and With a bit of free time I hopefully be able to move forward. Green with envy and appreciation for what you guys have been doing in terms of progression but very much looking forward to spending time on the floors, bulkheads and other detailed elements.
thanks for checking on me buddy.
Hi Chello
I understand your cyanoacrylate problems because I have the same problems..
I really try to use it as little as possible, always with the windows open even if it is cold .. going out of the room until a complete change of the air. Where possible I try to use contact glue (transparent bostik type)
For me, after the hard work of the stern and internal planking, switching to floors bulkheads and details it was a real pleasure. A sort of relaxation before facing the next big challenge. The external planking ..
@Chello Hello Chello,
Is there any reason you use the CA glue for wood? For many years, I use PVA (white) glue for wood and have success, It is proven to be one of the best glue for wood. I use CA only in metalsmith work (if required).
Finally found some time to finish the inner hull planking and make a start with the bulkheads and other parts of the inner structure. I have to say it’s a pleasure using wood glue only again and doing the detailed work. The 4 main bulkheads are done and just need final fine tuning, sanding and oiling but I won’t do that until the final fit after the outside hull planking ( interesting debates going on on the group build).
Really enjoyed doing the little window in bulkhead 1 that like others found out works perfectly. Looking forward to constructing the final bulkheads, floors, doors and other items and playing with the idea of some added detail such as lighting, additional storage items and what to use for ballast...

Hi jeep, yes the planking will be very challenging, particularly as I want to use as little CA glue as possible (I appear to have developed a massive allergy for the stuff).
I presume as @ot1138 and @Uwek reported, the planking will not only require bending but will also have some challenging torques and twists that are hard to achieve with just heat, soaking and wood glue. Will focus for now on the inner hull fittings. Your coureur is coming along nicely too and I believe you are just using wood glue for the inner planking, so it can be done.
yes a lot .. but on the reading front at least for the moment I have no problems
I am immersed in the difficulties of planking and I find it a bit complicated for me .. especially wanting to limit the use of ca to the maximum for health reasons that we know well.
I found the twists are workable with this wood. However, you must be gentle or it will easily snap!
I found the twists are workable with this wood. However, you must be gentle or it will easily snap!
I think the challenge for me and @sisco is more around planking without CA glue and the very limited options to clamp. I’m planning to start with maybe just doing one length per day (when I have time to spend in the shipyard) whilst continuing to work on the furnitures and fittings.
I will only partially plank the starboard side so that should be more straightforward