Mar 23, 2024

Hello Everyone,
This is my first ever attempt at a Build Log, so please help and advise on what I should be posting.
This is the initial unboxing of the kit by Occre I received it last year and unfortunately there had been an accident by the international shippers between Occre and the UK outlet I purchased the kit from, I had pre-ordered the kit and found the kit had suffered a big enough shock to damage the wooden box break the plastic outer layer and spill most of the contents of one of the plastic containers, on notifying the UK supplier they discover more damaged kits. Occre were and are brilliant and as far as inventory goes I believe I have everything.

So here goes some pictures of the bits and pieces.

My Next task will be to find sort and label all the timber and pre cut parts.

My First Impression is that this will hopefully be a stunning naked kit as I don't think it is intended to be painted. There are many formers and gauges supplied with the kit to assist in the highest possible build accuracy this is novel as I have had not had this in any previous kit.

Thanks and regards Kenny

Victory Unboxing 1.jpg

Victory Unboxing 2.jpg

Victory Unboxing 3.jpg

Victory Unboxing 4.jpg

Victory Unboxing 5.jpg

Victory Unboxing 6.jpg

Victory Unboxing 7.jpg

Victory Unboxing 8.jpg

Victory Unboxing 9.jpg

Victory Unboxing 10.jpg

Victory Unboxing 11.jpg

Victory Unboxing 12.jpg
Hello Everyone,
This is my first ever attempt at a Build Log, so please help and advise on what I should be posting.
This is the initial unboxing of the kit by Occre I received it last year and unfortunately there had been an accident by the international shippers between Occre and the UK outlet I purchased the kit from, I had pre-ordered the kit and found the kit had suffered a big enough shock to damage the wooden box break the plastic outer layer and spill most of the contents of one of the plastic containers, on notifying the UK supplier they discover more damaged kits. Occre were and are brilliant and as far as inventory goes I believe I have everything.

So here goes some pictures of the bits and pieces.

My Next task will be to find sort and label all the timber and pre cut parts.

My First Impression is that this will hopefully be a stunning naked kit as I don't think it is intended to be painted. There are many formers and gauges supplied with the kit to assist in the highest possible build accuracy this is novel as I have had not had this in any previous kit.

Thanks and regards Kenny

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Watching closely and now following as I too am building this.
Fantastic kit. My box arrived damaged also but nothing was broken or missing.
Keep posting updates please.
I didn’t get that item page with my build ?
If there are more, can you post them on here.
Good luck and happy building.
My kit is still sitting in it's box - I do not even which number it is yet ;)

I will be watching your build as I am also watching neilm's as well. I may fully plank and paint mine on one side and leave the other side natural, I am not sure, however.

The best of luck!

Watching closely and now following as I too am building this.
Fantastic kit. My box arrived damaged also but nothing was broken or missing.
Keep posting updates please.
I didn’t get that item page with my build ?
If there are more, can you post them on here.
Good luck and happy building.
Hi Neil,
I asked Occre for it when I realised the kit had been damaged in transit the outer box was holed in one corner so along with the spilled box of bits I wanted to to an inventory. I was missing one cannon which Occre very quickly replaced.
I could not find the A B C parts info anywhere so I asked Occre and they sent it to me I only hope its accurate for numbers. I may be wrong but I think Occre have a standard list of bits that they label A-N and just list which one is used and quantities in each kit I cant be 100%sure this is for victory as the PR001 reference is not on it.

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Kenny G,

Will also follow your build. I have read about this limited edition Victory - Looks to be very promising indeed. Do you also have plans
to add some scratch detailing as well? - just curious.

Kenny G,

Will also follow your build. I have read about this limited edition Victory - Looks to be very promising indeed. Do you also have plans
to add some scratch detailing as well? - just curious.

Hi John, possibly I will add my own twist on a few things as I did with my Dutchman I like making my own decking for a more realistic feel and no doubt as I dive deeper into the build there will be bits I don't like and will modify in some way, I am relatively inexperienced when it comes to model ship making but I am an old or should I say ancient school engineer and tend to look at things with an eye for the detail.
Hi All,
A fruitful day one of the build parts identified labelled and some ship building under way. I have already deviated from the Occre build programme as it would appear to have the Frame Ribs? built and fitted in batches, when I built the Dutchman I realised some things would have been better made in advance and fitted when appropriate. I found this especially around making snug fitting Transom Beams? for the frame ribs. So I am attacking this one slightly differently and especially as Occre supplied one to one plans of all 32 Ribs allowing accurate making of the beams without throwing out the rib.

I have made all the ribs and tomorrow I will clean them up and make the appropriate transoms if you like I can create a table with all the relevant part numbers, I will also have to pop to the shop to buy some sandwich bags to keep all the beams for one rib together but separate from the others.

Some pics of todays efforts.






Hi Neil,
I asked Occre for it when I realised the kit had been damaged in transit the outer box was holed in one corner so along with the spilled box of bits I wanted to to an inventory. I was missing one cannon which Occre very quickly replaced.
I could not find the A B C parts info anywhere so I asked Occre and they sent it to me I only hope its accurate for numbers. I may be wrong but I think Occre have a standard list of bits that they label A-N and just list which one is used and quantities in each kit I cant be 100%sure this is for victory as the PR001 reference is not on it.

Many thanks Kenny
Great point about cutting the transoms beforehand as even a millimetre either way can splay the ribs quite drastically at the very top later on. And use the mdf templates as you go.
Nice work.
Week One Update.

Well it has been an interesting week with limited time so some but not much progress. I have made all the Frame ribs and the appropriate transom beams separated into bags and labelled. I went through and calculated I needed 334 noggins the 3x3 mm timber spacers between the transom beams. I decided when I ordered the kit last year that I would treat myself to the Proxxon table saw this has already paid for itself in its aid to making the bits so far and producing identical length noggins.
Some points on the build so far.
1) I found the frame ribs do not fit easily into the supplied guide I thus spent a few hours filling out the sides of the holes in the MDF guide now they fit easily and have some movement to be able to set the correct vertical alignment.
2) from the photos it looks like the noggins as I call them are equally spaced however the measurement given of 32mm means this is not the case. As they have given this very precise measurement I have used it. I have included a picture from the instructions to show what I mean and also have included an overhead shot of my build as per the instruction.

Some pictures of the lack of progress so far

Occre manual.jpg

Vic Noggins.jpg

Vic Frame.jpg

Vic First steps.jpg
Remember to keep using the two mdf comb spacers and the top templates, vital to keep spacing correct as the noggins are not enough on their own for this.
So easy to start to drift if you don’t.
Remember to keep using the two mdf comb spacers and the top templates, vital to keep spacing correct as the noggins are not enough on their own for this.
So easy to start to drift if you don’t.
Absolutely, and its only going to get even more important as the frames are added. Definitely good advice thank you.
Would love to build a VIctory....Another day though, I'm still on the Bounty Jolly boat...
I guess I should start my build log shortly.
Some slow progress and really enjoying this build. A very useful tip adopted the mast bases have small holes drilled and the mast centres have had locating pins fitted, this is a really great tip.
I would also suggest a different way of doing the cut Transom beams as shown in the plan, I found this a really awkward way of doing it with no easy way to fit the noggins as the tape was in the way so I ended up trying to fit everything with the two half beams. So on the next deck I fitted the full width beam and all the noggins clamped it up and when it was all dry cut the beam in situ, this was way easier.
Anyhow a couple of pics of my progress.


