
Apr 6, 2024
Ahoy fellow modelers. My most recent builds have been the Charles w. Morgan, now finished and in its display case and HMS Bounty which is at the rigging stage. The Bounty is of particular interest to me personally since I read the Nordoff and Hall trilogy in 1967. Both my boys were named for mutineers! I am a bit of a seamanship aficionado am looking forward to collaborating in forums from time to time.
also from my side a warm welcome here on board of our forum
Hi I'm steve a beginner from the UK ,I've so far made 2 models ( viking longboat and the albatross by occre) just started on the caldercraft mary rose . This forum is a great source of info thanks to all .
Ahoy fellow modelers. My most recent builds have been the Charles w. Morgan, now finished and in its display case and HMS Bounty which is at the rigging stage. The Bounty is of particular interest to me personally since I read the Nordoff and Hall trilogy in 1967. Both my boys were named for mutineers! I am a bit of a seamanship aficionado am looking forward to collaborating in forums from time to time.
Ha Rick, so you are a boat builder too, we really are alike. Yes I'm currently building the Billings African Queen.
Yes this is why I'm easing back on the 3D wooden models.
And I have another friend, Grant, from Canberra also building the Queen.
So I guess I must try and start a Build Thread here.
But actually I've been told, the guys on these boat / ship model forums really only like sail, and mostly old square riggers if that what you call them.
Yea I know none of all these nautical terms that are used on these sites.
I'm doing hull planking at the moment, and they have all these funny weird words for things.
a49kid…it is my perception that this forum welcomes all types of ship model build log postings…from historic to modern. Personally I enjoy and encourage postings from all genres of ship modeling! And believe me I have to look up many of the nautical terms in order to remember them! So jump in with your preferred model build and a warm welcome to the SoS forums! A build log of Billings “African Queen” would be fantastic!
Ahoy fellow modelers. My most recent builds have been the Charles w. Morgan, now finished and in its display case and HMS Bounty which is at the rigging stage. The Bounty is of particular interest to me personally since I read the Nordoff and Hall trilogy in 1967. Both my boys were named for mutineers! I am a bit of a seamanship aficionado am looking forward to collaborating in forums from time to time.
Hallo @Rick Thompson
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY