HMS Medea (28) (1778) 1/48 scratch build

Nov 6, 2019

Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia
Here are some examples of the plans I will be working from. They are a mixture of Polish Shipyard plans and original plans from RMG for Enterprise class ships. I have used the RMG plans to correct some inaccuracies in the Shipyard plans.
It took some time to work the plans up to correct scale from the original PDF, but I finally managed to get it right by printing Shipyard plans at 440% on my A4 printer and stitching together. The RMG plans are printed at 85%.
That done, I have now started milling timber for the frames which will be from Silver Ash (Flindersia schottiana) grown on my farm over the past 40 years.
Although I have reasonable woodworking skills this is my first attempt at building a model ship, so bear with me...

Excited projects you have started, I look forward to seeing your work along the way, I wonder what Silver Ash (Flindersia schottiana) looks like.
Good luck.
The Silver Ash or Bumpy Ash is a rainforest hardwood, close grained, easy to work and holds its shape. Planes, sands and bends well.



This is a bookpress we made out of the same tree as I am using now for the build.
This is the jig I built to speed up cutting multiple thin pieces the same thickness.
Although I have a good home workshop I also have access to a community workroom with most machines, so I can work in whichever environment is best suited to the job.
The second image is a few pieces I cut today for the frames which I will start gluing and cutting out over the next few days.IMG_20191107_102158658.pngIMG_20191107_102259429.png
I have found this book very helpful in understanding the plans of the Enterprise class frigates. Charles Davis was a ship builder and his references to real ships throughout helps put things into perspective.
Reprints in paperback form are readily available online. I have ordered a copy of his companion book - The Ship Model Builder's Assistant - as well and I think it will be equally helpful.
There is already a review on SOS.IMG_20191114_102211576.png
While I have access to industrial machinery in our community workshop I also want to work at home, especially at night, so I have set up a tiny workbench in the only available corner of my garage and have now started to adapt my tools to suit the space.

I love my Dremel drill press attachment and today I adapted it with found bits and pieces to provide a safe and stable platform for cutting, grinding and sanding.

This is the space I have.

The underside of the materials rest. I used scrap timber and steel building brackets, spaced to be a firm fit on each side of the drill press base.

The materials bench in position

I've been concerned about not having a proper eye shield, but I hate wearing the face mask, so I have used it to fit onto the bench instead. I made up one bracket from a steel corner brace and the other from a piece of pine.


The finished article, without having to go to the store or buy anything I didn't have lying around.
I'm hoping my small wet & dry vacuum cleaner will collect the dust from the aluminium tray on the left side, otherwise I will have to modify that part.

My tiny corner work space. I also have a drop down bench where I can do larger work if I move the car outside, otherwise I take it all to the community.workshop.

Now to get on with my HMS Medea build !!

Certainly some lateral thinking here. Will have to drag out my dremel stuff to see what else they can be adapted/converted to do.
I am also interested to see how your silver ash grain looks in scale.