Dumas Chris Craft Barrel Back

Dec 19, 2021

Hi Shipmates,
Anyone build one of these?
Mine has been on hold for a long time due to I couldnt solve the cutwater issue. I’m supposed to make it from a aluminium tape strip but I failed big time and have used up all of the material.
Anyone have a good tip?
What size are you looking at? Can you substitute copper tape? Adhesive backed copper tape is readily available. Also, you can get adhesive backed aluminum tape from a hardware type store but I have only seen it in two inch widths…used to seal joints in air duct piping. Also, both are available on that internet retail marvel Amazon.com!

But a question…are you seeking replacement materials or an alternate method to model the cut water?
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Replacement from the aluminium tape. It was not a good material to work with. I’m going to do a experiment with chemical metal if it sticks its good if it falls off I can glue it on as a molded item
Another source could be bare metal foil. This is used on plastic model car kits to simulate Chrome plating on trim. It comes in aluminium also. And artists foils available at Hobby Lobby.