Zuiderzee Botter 1912 (Artesania Latina)

Apr 2, 2021

I just finished the Zuiderzee Botter 1912. I purchased this model as a follow up to my last build The US Brig Syren. The model was listed as a beginner level and I was ready for that after a year and a half of intense modeling (for me) of the Syren. Well the model was anything but beginner level. However it was not overwhelming. The kit had nice lumber, sails, and precision fittings. I rely on good instructions or build logs since I’m new to this hobby but this model had a very confusing set of instructions, plans, and build logs. The Artesania Latina in house build videos had very little to do with my model, and build logs on the internet were a mixed bag as well. Apparently there are many variations of the Botter model. Anyway It was fun and I’m posting the results. Note…Artesania Latina did provide excellent support when it came to parts requests.






Very impressed! I also like these small boats, I have the Mantua Arm 82 kit yet to build, and your finished product provides much needed inspiration!
Lovely looking ship, would look handsome on any mantlepiece..
Very impressed! I also like these small boats, I have the Mantua Arm 82 kit yet to build, and your finished product provides much needed inspiration!
Hallo @udtpete
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Nice job! I'm currently building this one myself. Just getting started on the rigging. I agree it's definitely not a beginners model (although I am a beginner :) ). I had a few parts like cleats and brass hoop material missing so have had to fabricate a few pieces and order others but other than that, it's a great model and I'm enjoying building it. What did you use to dye the sails? I'm planning on using black tea, but never seem to get them dark enough.
Nice job! I'm currently building this one myself. Just getting started on the rigging. I agree it's definitely not a beginners model (although I am a beginner :) ). I had a few parts like cleats and brass hoop material missing so have had to fabricate a few pieces and order others but other than that, it's a great model and I'm enjoying building it. What did you use to dye the sails? I'm planning on using black tea, but never seem to get them dark enough.
Hallo @alyts53
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Nice job! I'm currently building this one myself. Just getting started on the rigging. I agree it's definitely not a beginners model (although I am a beginner :) ). I had a few parts like cleats and brass hoop material missing so have had to fabricate a few pieces and order others but other than that, it's a great model and I'm enjoying building it. What did you use to dye the sails? I'm planning on using black tea, but never seem to get them dark enough.
Sorry for the late response. I used RIT Brown dye For the dark sails. The light sail was soaked in tea.