Thread cutters

Jul 10, 2021

Vancouver Island
I'm busy stropping blocks. For nipping off the tag ends of the threads I'm using a good quality manicurist's cuticle cutters. They do a good job but leave a bit of a short end. It's the seizing that's giving me the most trouble. I just got to wondering if there was something better? I tried burning them off but that was a mistake :). Re-strop one block:).
Hi Don,
There are many good tools out there to make rigging snips clean and as close to the ropes.

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However, I found one tool that always works, at least for me. It is a sharp #11 blade surgical blade. The trick, however, is to introduce just enough CA glue to the cutting end of the seizing (including seizing). Then, you cut as close as you need. The #11 surgical blades are disposable and can be replaced as often as you feel them become dull, but don't throw them, they are still suitable for other tasks.

Well I had a #11 blade or two so I tried that. It worked much better than I thought. I honed it up a bit more and now I just have to touch the thread and it cuts. Thanks Jim, for some reason I don't think I would have thought of that. Looking too hard I guess. I've stropped about 30 or so blocks and they are improving each time. I may have to throw the first few away. Well, maybe I'll put them on a gun you can't see well. :)
I'm busy stropping blocks. For nipping off the tag ends of the threads I'm using a good quality manicurist's cuticle cutters. They do a good job but leave a bit of a short end. It's the seizing that's giving me the most trouble. I just got to wondering if there was something better? I tried burning them off but that was a mistake :). Re-strop one block:).
I use Dr. Slick fly tying scissors. They are not cheap, but you will never need another pair.

I got a new flush-cutting pliers a little while ago, intended them for other uses, but they are so sharp and well made that I also use them to cut threads from blocks as you are doing.
1. The "sharpest" small scissors out there are the 'MICROTIP' small scissors made by Fiscar's; fly tying scissors are clumsy, at best, compared to these Fiscar's items. They are available at JoAnn's sewing/quilt stores.
2. They are about $17.00 w/o a coupon and half that price with their coupons. Get on the mailing list for the coupons. JoAnn's also has dozens of other items that are useful to ship modelers. If you are into rigging and/or sails, JoAnn's can be your friend.
I have used a good quality finger nail clipper to get a close clip of a thread tail. Not all the time but on occasion it comes in handy…