Pinisi models

Is something wrong with the link?
...the link is irrelevant to our hobby, it is an advertisement for SKK CONSULTANT services, with nothing about Pinisi models :(

BTW, Literally, the word pinisi refers to a type of rigging (the configuration of masts, sails, and ropes (‘lines’)) of Indonesian sailing vessels. A pinisi carries seven to eight sails on two masts, arranged like a gaff-ketch with what is called 'standing gaffs' — i.e., unlike most Western ships using such a rig, the two main sails are not opened by raising the spars they are attached to, but the sails are 'pulled out' like curtains along the gaffs which are fixed at around the center of the masts.



Below is a drawing of the Lamba hull with a pinisi rig.


These are not kits,they are finished models probably made in Indonasia or Vietnam and most liely they are not good quality
I couldn't find such a website (Ornholt shown above) with all my tools. The link above registered with SKK services
