Hms Victory - Heller 1/100 by tjoenp Finland [COMPLETED BUILD]

Decided to put the sails there. Some of them are still under construction. The lowest ones I'll have to make out of some material...still dont know how to get them to be fowlded. Its not perfect this work of mine, but Im satisfied.



Wow, fantastic detailing! I'm jealous. Great work!
Thank you very much. Its not perfect, but Im satisfied. After lot of searchin around the internet I finally found the little people that Dafi used in his modelling. They were in a swedish shop. They are really tiny and have to be put in different mode they are now :) Well see what I can make out of them.
In some strange way its hard to let this model be ready....:(
Now up to Lappland for a week
Well, I had read that Nelson wasn't very tall, but WOW!
Yes he is quite tiny...or the ship was...and still is very big. In that time the people in common were much more shorter than nowadays. This Nelson of mine is around 17 mm, so a bit of challenge to paint detailed. RedfaceRedface
Very nice! Beautiful case.
Plexiglass glass premade cases here in NewJersey are so expensive as to be prohibitive. Only one of my 5 models has a case, which cost as much as the model. And I made the case, just ordering the precut pieces.
Ebay is no help, with prices just as expensive. Looks like periodic cleaning is my option.:)
Here she is safely in. Almost a disaster when putting the plexicase in place,as the two topwooden peaces came of and the case fell down. Luckily it felt down almost on the right spot. Only few scratches on the plexi. Now Ill haveto clue the parts again.


My Congratulations for finishing the model - very good model