Excellent help from Model Expo

Hello Guys
I'm living in Belgium...(Europe) but I felled in love of the Brig US Syren.
Would it be a risk (fast delivery, in case of broken parts, questions etc..) to order the kit directly by model-expo?
Taking into consideration the transportation costs and delays?

And, I finished my second kit (Endeavour from Occre and now the Fly from Amati).

I'm looking to for a high quality kit (wood, details).
I noticed that the hull is covered with cupper strips: I have no experience att all : is this not too difficult ?

Looking forward to receive some advice...

Outstanding help from Model Expo:
An unscrupulous seller on Facebook sold me a "New" Mamoli Flying Cloud. It came without the plans or instructions. He didn't respond to a return request. I contacted Model Expo, explained how I got the kit and they obtained a full set of plans from the Mamoli and sent them to me at no charge, not even postage. Where can you get such service/ help!!!
I'm not affiliated with them.
Glad you had some success. I've been waiting for three weeks for a response about purchasing planking nails and have heard nothing at all from ME.
I also got great service from Model Expo. I have purchased and built many of their products, including ships, guns and other models. Recently I requested a second PE part for a model of the gunboat "Philadelphia", and they sent it no questions asked. Great company.
Outstanding help from Model Expo:
An unscrupulous seller on Facebook sold me a "New" Mamoli Flying Cloud. It came without the plans or instructions. He didn't respond to a return request. I contacted Model Expo, explained how I got the kit and they obtained a full set of plans from the Mamoli and sent them to me at no charge, not even postage. Where can you get such service/ help!!!
I'm not affiliated with them.
Hallo @ilanortho
we wish you all the BEST and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
I will add my voice to those praising Model Expo's customer service. Always a pleasure to deal with. Now that they have those extra laser cutters, it would be nice for them to add a line of wooden navigation equipment such as sextants, quadrants and astrolabes. Those would be fun to build and no one is doing them as of yet.
I like Model expo. I always try to use that company before any other. A while back, John Garcia actually called me back about a question I had. Great service from that company. Just my humble opinion.
Also, What is CIH, CSP.?
I work with them and I truly have to say that “They are a bunch of great people”, starting at from the casting department to the shipping personnel, I will never find such of happy group of people like them.
The first models I got from them were from the old Bogota facility in New Jersy, first in 1955, then in 1967 In the old yellow boxes. The "Young America and "Sultana", respectively. I keep the boxes on the shelf with the old plans and instructions still inside (works of art, really). In the instructions for the "Young America" the comment is made in regards to simplifying things because of its' small scale (1:192), that the artists' work is "not judged by what isn't there, but by what is". The overall effect of the finished product being undiminished. Still sound advice, alleviating a lot of frustration and self denegration.
The aroma of the old sugar pine semi-carved hulls still clings to the cardboard on the insides of the boxes, bringing back a flood of nostalgia and memories of a simpler time ( from the perspective of a white, middle class, suburban kid) and youth long past, whenever I open them up.:)

Happy to say that the original intent, quality of the products and personal service have not only not diminished, but survived intact, all these decades later, through several relocations, changes of ownership and personnel. And even grown, expanded and improved!Thumbs-UpUnlike investing in a Lotto ticket, investing in one of their kits vastly improves your chances of success! Okay

Thank You Peter and all of the members that has posted all of these pleasant comments about Model Expo.
I will make sure to pass them down to the group of employees that takes care of sending you all of those extra parts that we need so much.
I will also be on the fan list, i got very good service when i ordered my Norwegian sailing pram to Finland, even when it got stuck on the air post terminal for a month! Already looking forward to ordering more models from them!
I like Model expo. I always try to use that company before any other. A while back, John Garcia actually called me back about a question I had. Great service from that company. Just my humble opinion.
Also, What is CIH, CSP.?
Certified Industrial Hygienist, Certified Safety Professional