Panart: San Felipe 1:75 Scale Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]

Ok, so this is a full length Video of about 34 minutes showing the entire process of squaring off the Mast Head of the Main Mast using a Sherline Mill (Metric). This also includes the video in the previous post, so you can always just FF past that part. I hope this helps some along the way. I am not an expert at making videos nor an expert at making mast. So, it is what it is. However, I am sure that you can take away some of this and parts you like.
So, grab a chair as this last a little while.

Final of the Milling Process. A little more light sanding, then painting black. However, BEFORE any of this is done, it is back to the Lathe as the lower part of the Mast must be meet dimensions to fit the opening at the ship. If you have watched the Video, the Dimple will still be used in the tail stock live center.

Thank you all for the kind words. It is much appreciated - Well, so, I am finished with all the mast. All the mast can be separated at the treetops so the rigging of the shrouds will go better. Last time I had to feed the loops of the shrouds through the trees, etc and this time, I want to be able to just throw the shroud over the cap part top and not have to worry about weaving in and out with the lines.
So, here they are...
Oh...the mast are NOT glued in as they will need good alignment first - they are just setting in place for now.







Great work, Donnie, and very good videos!
Just for my curiosity: did you think about using a travelling steady on the lathe when you are turning those very flexible masts / spars? I am thinking of making one (haven't got one for the Unimat) but I am still in the thinking stage.
Thank you guys - janos and Jim !!
@janos - I have a steady rest, but not a traveling rest. The traveling rest ( I think ) installs on the cross slide and travels with the cut. I would like to add that - yes - that will help a lot with the flexture of the wood.
Thank you all for the kind words. It is much appreciated - Well, so, I am finished with all the mast. All the mast can be separated at the treetops so the rigging of the shrouds will go better. Last time I had to feed the loops of the shrouds through the trees, etc and this time, I want to be able to just throw the shroud over the cap part top and not have to worry about weaving in and out with the lines.
So, here they are...
Oh...the mast are NOT glued in as they will need good alignment first - they are just setting in place for now.

Outstanding work Donnie.

Vince P. Ship-1
Thank you Vpirozzi and others. Well, onto the first main stage of the Standing Rigging. Still trying to get used to this Nylon Line. I used a 50/50 solution of white glue and water to lightly coat line. This made it more stiff and glue transparent - can't tell at all. I removed the upper mast tops to make attachment of all standing easier to manage.

Images 1 - 4 are is the Foremast top to the Bowsprit
See the three separate "servings" , the one closest to the mast top needs to be removed to allow the upper mast post to pass through the square opening. You will see from these revised images next of how I was fortunate to correct the problems.







The next three images are the prep for the Main Mast Top to the forward deck. (Never rigged one like this before)



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Thank you all again. Well, this is the Main Mast Top to the foreward Deck Bolts. The addition of the Shroud pairs will complete the tightening of these stays.
Notice it is obvious that I left the Tops off so that rigging will be easier to wrap around the Mast Top and inbetween the trees. The Shrouds should be easier to tackle this way as well.

I think that I mentioned that you can mix 50/50 ratio of white glue with water - then drag or run the line with some of the mixture in your fingers/hands. It dries in about less than 5 min and it is fairly stiff as you can see from one of the images.

Main Mast Top


Photo Demo of the stiffness of the nylon line after a little white glue treatment.




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Thank you Mike and Uwe. I do like the contrast of the image, but also, I do not want to overdo a good thing. I only want to do this to emphasize a point.
I (think) according to the plans, I have completed the most of the Fore Stay, Fore Preventer Stay, Main Stay, Main Preventer Stay, and then the Mizzen Stay.
All the Shrouds will be next, then the Tops will be added last along with the upper mast. Then the associated Stays to them.








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@Donnie Excellent build! IMHO, for the most part, no matter what kit brand you are assembling, in many respects the quality of performance depends on the skill. You have a great skillset!! Ok
Started the first Shroud. I decided that the first one would feed through and be a single shroud. It starts on port and goes to the starboard. The center of the shroud has a sort of loop that slips around the Mast Top. I will show an image of the Mast Top later of how this fits.
