Oliver Cromwell, POF ,Scale 1:48 by Lawrence [COMPLETED BUILD]


Mar 31, 2017

Sutton. Ontario, Canada
Hello Ship Mates

I am about to start a P.O.F. build from a set of plans that I purchased through the Lumberyard from Harold M. Hahn. These are a very detailed set of plans that consist of 6 sheets of plans drawn up on 24” x 36” or 61 x 91.2 cm. I also purchased a Mast and Rigging sheet of plans for the HMS Druid, directly from Harold’s son Chris Hahn. Chris Hahn gave me permission to use some of his Dads pictures in the interdiction of my build log on my up and coming P.O.F. scratch build on the Oliver Cromwell.

This build is something that I have given a lot of thought to over the last couple of years. I can only hope that I have mustered enough skills to be able to justify my up and coming build the Oliver Cromwell. In looking at some of Harold’s M. Hanan work I often wonder if I will be able to justify such a build. Do or die this is something that I truly want to try at least once, I do realize that I can never come close to the very high skills that Harold M. Hahn has shown us in his builds, but I do want to give this type of build an honest try. I will rely on my Ship Mates very heavily for there words and comments in this build very much to steer me in the right direction if at all possible, please bear with me if I should make a blunder and I am sure that I will make more than my share within this build.

After a very lot of thought, I have decided to build my Oliver Cromwell out of Cherrywood Frames with a Red Oak Keel and along with a strip of Black Walnut for the False Keel. I have been very tied up for over two months now in catch up Home Chores, The end is in sight as I have started making tons of sawdust in sawing and planning up over 200’ of Cherry Wood for all of the frames for my Oliver Cromwell. This I have did, now I must split or rip these strips into 1” or 2.5mm strips in preparation for building all of those frames that are required of the Oliver Cromwell.

In the last couple of months, the Old Ship Yard has been rather very much deserted for lack of time and energy to put into this new build as yet. I have however built a little Binnacle and added a single LED Lamp to it, not much to show for over two months of work but then again it is a start in the right direction, even if a Binnacle is a long way in to the future of this build but one does have to start somewhere, why I started here I will never know but then again I did the same with my HMS Victory build of many years ago.

I will be posting this Oliver Cromwell build in the next coming couple of days, as soon as I figure out the width of the ships Keel that must be cut to except all of
those hull frames, just how I will cut these is still up in the air. ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence

oliver-feature (1) HAROLD HAHN PICTURE.jpgslide-oliver2.jpgslide-oliver3.jpg
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Hello Lawrence,looks like she is a nice ship,I ll tag along,there is something happened to your attachements,no images.
Hello Zoltan

I thank you very much for your visit to my build log and also for your very kind words. Oliver Cromwell POF looks like a learning ship build with hours of building enjoyment. Yes, the pictures did give me a bit of the runaround but I think that I do have it straightened out now. If for some reason they do not show up again then please let me know and will give another try, OK, ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence
Yes,3 images visible ,not sure how many did you try to post,if you don’t mind I can clean up those view attachement text from your post.

Hello Zoltan
Thanks for your update. Yes, I posted only 3 pictures, I do not know where those view attachments came from, but by all means please do clean them up, ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence
I will sit next to Zoly and watch your lofg with big interest....it is a very fine looking ship !

BTW: I edited your post....hope it is like you want?
one thing Harold is noted for is his system of building. You might want to go here and check out his work. Because he used the same system on all his models you may find hints and tips throughout the archives.


Hello didit

I thank you very much for your visit to my build log on the Oliver Cromwell that is about to begin. I also thank you very much for the wealth of information that you passed along. I am sure that a lot of this information will be a great help in the coming months, Thanks, ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence
I will sit next to Zoly and watch your lofg with big interest....it is a very fine looking ship !

BTW: I edited your post....hope it is like you want?

Hello Uwek

I thank you very much for your visit to my build log that I will start to build in a few days as soon as I have completed milling the lumber for the hull and the keel. I thank you also for lining up my pictures, much nicer this way, ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence
I’ve joined the audience and look forward to your posts.

Hello Pathfinder

Welcome to my build log on the Oliver Cromwell, she sure looks like she will be a very fun and challenging ship to build. Please pull up a chair and join in on the fun of building this very interesting ship, ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence
The OC is a beautiful vessel, but the stern and quarter gallery carvings are a challenge. Are you planning to carve them yourself? I thought I saw commercial resin casting or 3-D printed carvings out there somewhere. Anyway, good luck!

Hello Dave

Welcome to my build log on the Oliver Cromwell, Yes, she has a lot of very nice lines and is very pleasing to look at. For the decorations on the stern, I am thinking of doing the carvings by hand. Should be a very interesting challenge to do so and if for some reason if all else fails I can always get one of my shipmates to do the carving for me, but this I do want to try, ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence
I do not intend on disrupting the build log but if I may address an ugly rumor being spread around that there is no talent here on SOS.

As you can see in the above video the 3d modeling talent and the know how to model and print any figurehead or for that matter most anything can be done.

I have been playing around with mold making and resin casting, trying methods for a flaux ivory. here you see test casting for the stern carvings n the Oliver Cromwell the original carvings were done by our very own member Janos.

just because you do not see everyday work being done by the experts here does not mean they are not here.

because I am testing casting I am willing to share the castings free.

as a proud member of this community I am willing to share information, and work if it helps to advance any builder. Like this site it does not lock build logs from the public or refuse the spread of information, as a community we are more than willing to offer advice and promote the advancement of the hobby.

so Lawrence feel confident you have 100% support in your project

oc carvings.jpg
I do not intend on disrupting the build log but if I may address an ugly rumor being spread around that there is no talent here on SOS.

As you can see in the above video the 3d modeling talent and the know how to model and print any figurehead or for that matter most anything can be done.

I have been playing around with mold making and resin casting, trying methods for a flaux ivory. here you see test casting for the stern carvings n the Oliver Cromwell the original carvings were done by our very own member Janos.

just because you do not see everyday work being done by the experts here does not mean they are not here.

because I am testing casting I am willing to share the castings free.

as a proud member of this community I am willing to share information, and work if it helps to advance any builder. Like this site it does not lock build logs from the public or refuse the spread of information, as a community we are more than willing to offer advice and promote the advancement of the hobby.

so Lawrence feel confident you have 100% support in your project

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Hello Didit
I thank you very much for your very interesting information on this type of 3D molding. Yes, I have been in touch with Janos for a quote on a figurehead for the Oliver Cromwell. He does great work and is very talented. I told him that I wanted to try to carve the figurehead my self and if that failed to be suitable then I would be ordering one from him. But that is a long way down the road. Your stern decorations are very interesting and if applicable they could save me weeks of work in trying to carve them my self. Just for the fun of it what would you want to cast me a set and mail them to me here in Ontario, Canada. ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence
Your stern decorations are very interesting and if applicable they could save me weeks of work in trying to carve them my self. Just for the fun of it what would you want to cast me a set and mail them to me here in Ontario, Canada.

there is no charge you can use them as a model to carve them in wood or finish them in any way.

if you feel like you want to donate a little to the site I rather see that then paying me.
Hello Ship Mates

Well, I have finally dug out my pictures of the Binnacle that I built for the Oliver Cromwell a couple of months ago. Not much to show for over 2 months of work but there has been so very much homeworkIMG_5020.JPGIMG_5021.JPGIMG_5022.JPGIMG_5050.JPGIMG_5051.JPG to catch up on this year. The Binnacle I purposely built it just a shade bigger than that of my plans as I figured it is a mane piece of furniture and should hold a bit more prominent position on the deck of the Oliver Cromwell. ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence
Hi lawrence,

Great work, I see you even have added an LED inside? Guess these were standard layout on all British navy vessels from the 18th century. I need to build one for my Royal Caroline model and will use yours as a template.
Hi lawrence,

Great work, I see you even have added an LED inside? Guess these were standard layout on all British navy vessels from the 18th century. I need to build one for my Royal Caroline model and will use yours as a template.

Hello Maarten

Welcome to my build log on the Oliver Cromwell. l am very pleased to have a new crew member on board, Please stop by very often and join in on the fun of building this POF ship. I do thank you very much for your very kind words and nice comments. I am pleased that you will use my plans in order to build one for yours, it's always nice to be able to share, ENJOY.

Regards Lawrence