IVAN TRTANJ - Schiffsmuseum Kressbronn - report of my visit in his museum and his workshop

Dear Karl
Lieber Karl Zunächst einmal frohe Ostern und vielen Dank für die schönen Bilder. Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass Ivan ein Handwerksmeister ist, grüßen Sie ihn und ich hoffe, dass ich ihn und das Museum eines Tages auch besuchen werde.

First of all Happy Easter and thank you for the beautiful pictures.
There is no doubt that Ivan is a master craftsman, give him my regards and that I also hope one day to visit him and the museum.
I just found this thread. WOW!! Ivan's work is this ultimate blend of artistry and craftsmanship. I can think of no words that can adequately describe the beauty of his work. Thanks for posting.

I am very happy to see Ivan this October during the event in Evian

Here you will find the long list of the participants - highly interesting models

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