Cutty Sark by Sergal

Jul 9, 2018

Bonita Springs, Florida
I started the model back in 2013 and it's still ongoing. It didn't come with sails so I built it for RC with twin screws and two tiny electric motors. As I progressed with the build I realized that with all the rigging there wouldn't be any way to get to the batteries and motors. So I decided to build it with sails that I would make (HA) and not use the model in the water. Had to beef up the hardware that attaches the yards to the mast by making heavier brackets out of brass. There always seem to be a problems with the lower yards breaking off the mast with other models so hopefully that won't happen this time.
Here are some photos that I took earlier and then some that will bring this build up to date. Here we go!

Cutty Sark RC 001.JPGCutty Sark RC 006.JPGCutty Sark RC 014.JPGCutty Sark RC 001.JPGCutty Sark RC 002.JPGCutty Sark RC 004.JPGCutty Sark RC 005.JPG
Continuing on you can see the second layer of planks on the hull and then the painting has been complete. The deck cabins cover RC stuff in the hull like the steering servo in the stern and the motors under the second cabin. One thing that isn't shown is sealing the hull. After the second planking I taped the entire outside of the hull with masking tape working the tape nice and smooth. I then mixed epoxy 50-50 with thinner and poured small amounts at a time into the hull. I sloshed this mix all over the hull inside and used a brush where there was too much. This way the epoxy which is very thin can seep into ALL cracks and cranny's effectively sealing the entire hull from the inside. The tape on the outside keep the epoxy from leaking out and running down the sides while the epoxy runs between the two plank layers. Capillary action sucks this stuff up like you won't believe and this hull will not leak. EVER!

Cutty Sark RC 001.JPGCutty Sark RC 003.JPGCutty Sark RC 001.JPGCutty Sark RC 002.JPGCutty Sark RC 003.JPGCutty Sark RC 004.JPGCutty Sark RC 005.JPG
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G'day Norman
Glad to see that you have started your log. The 'Sark' is looking great. The masking tape as a barrier is a brilliant idea mate.
Looking forward for your next entry.
That's about how far I got with the CS at the time. Other boats came along and I got side tracked. I don't suppose that ever happens to anyone else? Ha! The first pic in this groupe is of a PT boat conversion I saw at Cape Cod in 1960 I worked at the Snow Inn on Wychmere harbor that summer and the real boat came and stayed with us for the summer. I buit this model on a Lindberg PT hull and took the superstructure off a picture I got from a friend. First time I put it in the water the motors snapped the plastic couplings and I never have fixed them. They both snapped at the same time so I never have seen how the boat runs....yet.
Next boat is a take off of the "Gangster Yacht" in the movie Key Largo. On this one I drew the plans and scratch built the model and found out later the boat never existed. It was painted on a back drop for the move. So this one is a one of a kind and runs pretty good with a bunch of ballast in the hull.
The bottom three are of a Revell plastic model of the Cutty Sark. It fell off a six foot high cabinet where i had placed it to be safe. It was a mess but it all back together now and looking ok.

Model RC boat Custom 003.JPGGangster Yacht 003.JPGGangster Yacht 002.JPGgangster yacht 005.JPGcUTTY sARK REPAIR 002.JPGCutty Sark repair 003.JPG
Other boats came along and I got side tracked. I don't suppose that ever happens to anyone else?

That never happen to me! Oh, I just bit my tongue.........must because I told an untruth!
Had to take a few days off because the cute little thing in my avatar had to be put down from cancer. I knew it was coming and talking a bit with you guys and spending some time looking over this forum helped a lot to pass the time we had left together. She would have been 11 today but missed it by a week. I'm sure many of you have been through the same thing a time or two and it never gets easier.
Anyway I took a couple of pics of the hardware I made for attaching the spars to the masts. Takes extra time to do this and it doesn't look very prototypical but I don't think these will break like some of my others have done. In the bottom picture I made the pin ring from a brass washer that I filed to fit over the mast and then drilled the holes for the pin. Should work ok.

Cutty Sark hardware 001.JPGCutty Sark hardware 002.JPGCutty Sark hardware 003.JPG
Had to take a few days off because the cute little thing in my avatar had to be put down from cancer. I knew it was coming and talking a bit with you guys and spending some time looking over this forum helped a lot to pass the time we had left together. She would have been 11 today but missed it by a week. I'm sure many of you have been through the same thing a time or two and it never gets easier.
Anyway I took a couple of pics of the hardware I made for attaching the spars to the masts. Takes extra time to do this and it doesn't look very prototypical but I don't think these will break like some of my others have done. In the bottom picture I made the pin ring from a brass washer that I filed to fit over the mast and then drilled the holes for the pin. Should work ok.

I do not know how these feelings are, if a beloved pet has passed away......our dog is now 15 years old, still fit, but she has a tumor, which we do not want to perform a surgery......she shall enjoy her last time - I am sorry for your loss.
..... and your metal works are looking very good
Thanks for the kind words Uwek. It's a rough time in anyone's life but if you want the love and companionship of a pet then you can't avoid it. As for the hardware it will look better when it's all painted black. Lots to do on the CS yet.
I meant to add that if anybody builds this model DO NOT make your masts and yards from the plan drawings. They are out of scale and will all be too short. You have to take the size of each piece off the plans (The dimensions they give you are correct, it's the drawings that are incorrect) and measure each dowel to the specs on the plan to get the right size.. It mentions this in the instructions but I don't usually read them until the model is finished. Consequently I now have a nice set of masts and yards in a bucket by my work bench. Every one the wrong size. I was able to use a couple of the longer yards for shorter ones but everything else had to be done over. Beware the treachery of the draftsman.
Got the spanker boom hooked up tonight but still have to figure out how to make the pins in it look like rivet heads. meantime I tied a line from the top of the mizzen mast down to the gaff and then to the boom to kinda hold it all in place. Nothing on the masts is glued yet but it's gettin' near time to do that and start with the standing rigging. A couple of pics for your perusing pleasure.

Cutty Sark Mizzen mast 001.JPGCutty Sark Mizzen mast 002.JPGCutty Sark Mizzen mast 003.JPG
A lot has happened since I was here last. I have a Revell plastic model of the Cutty Sark which I gave to one of my neighbors. He's "up north" for the summer and I promised him that I'd have the model cleaned and in good repair and in his house by the time he came back here for the winter. So I started doing that but meantime my Mother, who was already in a home with dementia, took a bad fall which precipitated her death on the 27th of August. I'm just not getting any breaks here at all. Hopefully I can get back to the Big Cutty Sark pretty soon and since my old camera got busted when it fell out of my truck I now have a new one so I can post pics of my progress. I haven't forgotten about you all and this thread and I'll be back soon.
A lot has happened since I was here last. I have a Revell plastic model of the Cutty Sark which I gave to one of my neighbors. He's "up north" for the summer and I promised him that I'd have the model cleaned and in good repair and in his house by the time he came back here for the winter. So I started doing that but meantime my Mother, who was already in a home with dementia, took a bad fall which precipitated her death on the 27th of August. I'm just not getting any breaks here at all. Hopefully I can get back to the Big Cutty Sark pretty soon and since my old camera got busted when it fell out of my truck I now have a new one so I can post pics of my progress. I haven't forgotten about you all and this thread and I'll be back soon.
Sorry to hear about the loss in the family - these are hard days - take the time and we will all be happy reading once news about your Cutty Sark - keep care
Looking through this forum I see that everybody is building models of the old time sailing ships and they are beautiful. Some really good modelers here for sure. I was wondering if more modern boats are permitted? Like the Chris Crafts and other boats of that nature. I don't see anyone building this type boat at all. Kinda strange I think????
Hi Norgale! We don't have any restrictions (why would we have one?) Please build any boat you like, from any period\era. Even if you have your own design boat\ship, please do! Perhaps, a really small favor we may ask you: is to start your own building log, obviously, if you don't mind. This way if we have any question we may ask you, or it might be you may need one of our advice. Win-2-Win situation!! :cool:
I thought I answered this but it's not here. Yes I do want to build other ships and I see now that your saying to start another thread for each ship. Yes I will do that and that would be the right way to go. However I wanted to leave a note here explaining that the Cutty is all wrapped up and put away in storage for the time being. I intend to move into a newer Park Model home which is like a half a mobile home in size that can be moved into the place I occupy now and my old trailer can be moved out. The new place will allow me to build a 10 x 30 room onto it and that will be my hobby room. Lots more room to build and to display my models and room for a train layout too. I'm really looking forward to getting this done soon but it's not easy finding a used home in good condition that can be moved. Some are just way too old. So this thread will be on hold for the time being and I'l be fiddeling around with the CVN 65 instead. I'm still painting all these tiny little airplanes that go with the model so I'll be posting on the "plastic" forum for now. See ya there. Pete