Bluenose 1:100 by Amati

Final sand and alcohol wipe completed. Tested the polyurethane on a sample board. I am ready to proceed with sealing the hull.
I am told that four (4) coats will be adequate and not sand between since this is a self-leveling poly.
I am working to match the colors in the photographs "Peter Voogt" Bluenose build. My red will not be transparent since I have
nothing to show. The white plastic inset he used; I will try to duplicate in flat white paint.



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BN_Construc_Hull Color Scheme.jpg
First application of Polyurethane to test plaque and then the Amati.
Seems to apply nicely. Letting the Amati dry for 2 hours and then will post pictures before the next coats.
Hull Ready to paint! Using my laser level, I determined the waterline per the print. (video to follow)
I masked off the waterline and above with Tamiya tape and then Green Tape. I will be airbrushing the Carmine Red to the
bottom of the hull. Then after a day or two drying, I will reverse the masking and do the top half of hull Black/Prussian Blue mixture.
I hope to match the "Indigo" color sample. The white strip will be automotive stripping tape at 3- or 4-mm thickness (TBD).
During the couple days of drying, plan to start the deck furniture and masts.




