Artesania Latina Santa Maria

Aug 26, 2020

UK Dorset
After having a few issues with my build of the Amati Nina (mainly shortage of materials) I decided to continue the Columbus fleet by buying the Artesania Latina version of the Santa Maria even though it is £45 more expensive that the Amati version. BIG MISTAKE! A box of disappointments.
The keel and bulkheads are cut from 3mm ply - a bit flimsy for this structural element. I have never had a kit that used less than 4mm
All the strips are 300mm long which is shorter than the length of the hull. (picture below) While joints in the second stage planking are acceptable - yea even desirable for authenticity - they make no sense for the first stage planking. Joints will introduce a weakness in what is essentially a structural component of the build and could introduce discontinuities in curvatiure not present when a continuous plank is bent round the bulkheads.
The second stage planking is cheap and nasty sapele. The parts list says they are 0.5mm thick but samples that I measured were 0.35mm. Paper thin and brittle.
The triangular dead-eyes are laser cut from plywood; no groove to confine the rope. A photo below compares the Al offering with the Amati versions.
The rudder fittings are thin, photo etched brass. Make your own pintles.
A build log by Ptèr (Oct 11 2021) shows a nice looking build that encouraged me to go for this kit. I should have read his text more carefully where he indicates that he was building an older Artesania Latina kit and that and that it has been 'updated'. His photo of the box contents is completely different from what I have received: the planking strips are clearly walnut and the full length of the box. I suppose I should realise that in this day and age 'new' in the context of a product or service = corners have been cut and economies made to enhance profits.
I cannot be bothered to build this kit. Though I can ill afford it I have ordered the Amati version instead. Appending some extra strips of walnut (in case I run short) to my order brought the total to £125.60 - still less than the £164 AL kit. I have effectively chosen to waste some money rather than waste hours on a model I would not enjoy building. AL generally eem to have received positive comments on this forum. Caveat emptor; the times they are (or maybe) changing.
There are no printed instructions - just a DVD. Am I supposed to find space on my worktop for a constantly running laptop?
deadeyes.jpg strips.jpg
My polyglot daughter translated the Russian comment as: "what you want is now a Chinese company."
I'm not sure if this is true but it could explain a lot.
My polyglot daughter translated the Russian comment as: "what you want is now a Chinese company."
I'm not sure if this is true but it could explain a lot.
Установите Российский Яндекс браузер, он переводит все что нужно, и не нужно. На фотографиях на этом форуме если разглядит слава на английском ито переводит. Видео на ютубе переводит, пока с небольшим количеством языков работает. Английский, и Русский переводит в любую сторону.